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Reuse of 3D Additive Manufacturing Concrete Scrap in Construction
Study of Geological Setting of Naftalan-Northern Naftalan Area by Use of Attribute Analysis of 3D Seismic Data
The Study of the Dynamics of Flotation Agent Decomposition in a Tailings Dump
Method of Extrusion Granulation of Aggregates for the Preparation of Filling Mixtures
Refinement of the Structure of the Eastern Govsan Area Using a New Method of Seismic Inversion and a Lithological Model of the Zykh Field of Azerbaijan Based on 3D and GRW Seismic Data
Determination of the Stress State of the Disk Using the Stress Function
Optimization of Technological Parameters of Foam Concrete Mix Preparation for Obtaining Foam Concrete with Improved Structure and Characteristics
Energy Efficient Stone Cellular Concrete Masonry on Polyurethane Adhesive
Experimental Studies of Deflections in Bending Reinforced Concrete Elements Taking into Account the Influence of the Shape of Their Cross-Section
Predicting the Parameters of Construction Structures with Variable Action of Factors over Time and with Mutual Influence on Each Other
Experimental Studies of the Strength of Reinforced Concrete Flexible Elements Forced with Carbon Fiber
On the Issue on Dilatant Phenomena in Dispersed Systems
The Use of Additional Conditions in Photogrammetric Constructions
Problems of Constructive Safety of Piled Foundations of Heighted Buildings at the Stages of Design and Construction
Construction Materials with Low Power Intensity Based on Cement
Determination of Material Properties of Composite Sleepers Taking into Account Operational Factors
Comparative Studies of the Anticorrosive Activity of Oily Compositions, Containing Telaz-M, in Outdoor Conditions
Rheotechnological Properties of Multicomponent Dispersed Suspensions of Glowing Architectural and Decorative Concrete
Influence of Inhomogeneity of the Foundation on the Stress-Strain State of a Free-Lying Beam
Clarification of the Structure of the East Hovsan Area by a New Method of Seismic Inversion
Computer Simulation of Bent Reinforced Concrete Elements with External Composite Reinforcement
Compatibility of Plasticizing Mono-Admixtures for Modifying Concretes of Transitional Period
Methodology for Assessing the Quality of Building Materials
Evaluation of the Load-Bearing Capacity of the Combined Bolt-Welded Joint
The Structure of the Content and Cost of Materials in Bending Reinforced Concrete Element with Variable Section Height
Brief Overview of Complex Cadastral Works: Experience in Conducting
Influence of Shear Deformations on the Buckling of Reinforced Concrete Elements
Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in the Creation of a Topographic Plan of a Chalk Pit
The Effect of Moisture State on Kinetics of Damage Accumulation in the Structure of Epoxy Polymer Samples Under Tensile Stresses
Hydration Processes of Anhydrite-Containing Binders Using Volumetric Phase Composition
Assessment of the Pile Foundations Reliability in the Cryolithozone for the Climate Changing Conditions
Thermal Phase Transformations in Titanium Hydride -A Filler for Special-Purpose Construction Materials
Investigation of the Technical Condition of Buildings and Structures in the Conditions of Dangerous Geological Processes
Use of UAV to Resolve Construction Disputes
Forecasting the Durability of Protective and Decorative Coatings of External Walls of Buildings
Investigation of Physical and Chemical Properties of Architectural Glass Fibrous Concrete
Impact of Polyurethane Foam Insulation on the Deformability of Three-Layer Frameless Cylindrical Vaults
Study of the Effect of Cryogenic Grinding on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Polymer Composites
Investigation of the Effectiveness of the Method of Directional Horizontal Hydraulic Fracturing for Fixing Clay Bases
Promising Technological Solutions for the Production of Compression-Molded Bricks in the Northern Ethiopia
Structural Analysis of Steel Membrane Roofing
Experimental Justification of Geometrical Model of Cut Chip Cross-Section during Asphalt Milling
Study of the Impact of the Composite "Rubber: Shungite" on the Properties of Bituminous Rubber Binder
Deterioration of Power Transmission Line Supports and Development of Proposals for Increasing their Durability
Experimental Verification of the Isotropy Postulate on Orthogonal Curved Trajectories of Constant Curvature
Design of Transformable Beam Systems
Advanced Building Materials Based on Zeolite-Containing Raw Materials of Yakutia
Radiation-Protective Properties of a Structural Polyimide Composite
Zoning the Urban Area on the Basis of the Principles and Methods of GIS-Mapping.

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