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U-Net-Based Approach for Segmentation of Tables from Scanned Pages
Air Writing: Tracking and Tracing
Mars Surface Multi-Decadal Change Detection using ISROs Mars Color Camera (MCC) and Viking Orbiter Images
Deep Over and Under Exposed Region Detection
DeepHDR-GIF: Capturing Motion in High Dynamic Range Scenes
Camera Based Parking Slot Detection For Autonomous Parking
Hard-Mining Loss based Convolutional Neural Network for Face Recognition
Domain Adaptive Egocentric Person Re-identification
Scene Text recognition in the wild with motion deblurring using deep networks
Vision based Autonomous Drone Navigation through enclosed spaces
Deep Learning-based Smart Parking Management System and Business Model
Design and Implementation of Motion Envelope for a Moving Object using Kinect for Windows
Software Auto Trigger Recording for Super Slow Motion Videos using Statistical Change Detection
Using Class Activations to Investigate Semantic Segmentation
Few Shots Learning: Caricature to Image Recognition using Improved Relation Network
Recognition of Adavus in Bharatanatyam Dance
Digital Borders: Design of an Animal Intrusion Detection System based on Deep Learning
Automatic On-Road Object Detection in LiDAR-Point Cloud Data using Modified VoxelNet Architecture
On the Performance of Convolutional Neural Networks under High and Low Frequency Information
A Lightweight Multi-Label Image Classification Model Based on Inception Module
Computer Vision based Animal Collision Avoidance Framework for Autonomous Vehicles
Learning to Prune Faster
Efficient Ensemble Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks with Dynamic Batch Size
Inferring Semantic Object Affordances from Videos
An Unsupervised Approach for Estimating Depth of Outdoor Scenes from Monocular Image
Age and Gender Prediction using Deep CNNs and Transfer Learning
One Shot Learning Based Human Tracking in Multiple Surveillance Cameras
Fast road sign detection and recognition using colour-based thresholding
Dimensionality Reduction by Consolidated Sparse Representation and Fisher Criterion with Initialization for Recognition
Deep Learning and Density Based Clustering Methods for Road Traffic Prediction
Deep learning based Stabbing Action Detection in ATM Kiosks for intelligent Video Surveillance Applications
An algorithm for semantic vectorization of video scenes
Applications to Retrieval and Anomaly detection
Meta-tracking and Dominant Motion Patterns at the Macroscopic Crowd Level
Digital Video Encryption by Quasigroup on System on Chip (SoC)
Detection based Multipath Correlation Filter for Visual Object Tracking
Graph-based depth estimation in a monocular image using constrained 3D wireframe models
AE-CNN based Supervised Image Classification
Ensemble based Graph Convolutional Network for Semi supervised learning
Regularized Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network
A Novel Approach for Video Captioning based on Semantic Cross Embedding and Skip-Connection
Dual Segmentation Technique for Road Extraction on Unstructured Roads for Autonomous Mobile Robots
Edge based Robust and Secure Perceptual Hashing Framework
Real-Time Driver Drowsiness Detection Using GRU with CNN Features
Detection of Concave Points in Closed Object Boundaries Aiming at Separation of Overlapped Objects
High Performance Ensembled Convolutional Neural Network for Plant Species Recognition.

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