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About the Authors
1: Introduction
1.1 General Introduction
1.2 Importance of Technologies in Climate Change Research on Agriculture
1.3 Summary
2: Carbon Dioxide
2.1 Measurements of Carbon dioxide (CO2) in the Atmosphere, Soil and Agricultural Crops
2.1.1 Infrared Gas Analysis
2.1.2 Eddy Covariance Technique
Components of Eddy Covariance System
Major Components Used in Eddy Covariance Technique
Sonic Anemometer
Data Storage
Power Supply
Flux Calculations

Measurements Using Eddy Covariance Flux Towers
2.1.3 Gas Chromatography
2.1.4 Spectroscopic Methods
2.1.5 Carbon Stock Measurement Technique
2.1.6 Wet Digestion
2.1.7 Dry Combustion
2.1.8 Dry Combustion in an Elemental Analyser
2.1.9 Fractionation of Soil Organic Carbon
2.1.10 Physical Fractions
2.1.11 Chemical Fractionation
2.1.12 Spectroscopic Method
2.1.13 Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
2.1.14 Inelastic Neutron Scattering (INS)
2.1.15 CO2 Emission Measurement from Soil: Quantitative Approach
Alkali Trap Method

Soil Respirator Method
Infrared Gas Analysis Method
Closed-Chamber Method
2.1.16 Space-Borne Measurements
2.2 Technologies Associated with CO2 Enrichment Studies (Crop Response Studies)
2.2.1 Leaf Cuvettes
2.2.2 Sunlit-Controlled Environment Chambers
2.2.3 Soil Plant Atmosphere Research (SPAR) System
2.2.4 Portable Field Chamber
2.2.5 Open-Top Chamber
2.2.6 Screen-Aided CO2 Control (SACC)
2.2.7 Free Air CO2 Enrichment Technology (FACE)
2.3 Modelling Techniques
2.4 Mitigation Technologies
2.4.1 Carbon Sequestration

Land-Based Enhanced Rock Weathering Method of Carbon Sequestration:
2.4.2 Zero-Tillage
2.4.3 Agroforestry
2.4.4 Crop Residue Management
2.4.5 Biofuels
2.4.6 Biochar
2.4.7 Mycorrhiza
2.4.8 Microalgae
2.4.9 Organic Agriculture
2.5 Summary
3: Methane
3.1 Technologies Associated with Methane (CH4) Emission and Crop Response Studies
3.1.1 Measurements of Methane Emission in Stationary Mode
3.1.2 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)
3.1.3 Non-micrometeorological Techniques
Chamber Techniques:
Calculation of Methane Flux

Enteric Tracer Ratio
External Tracer Ratio
Mass Balance from Barns
3.1.4 Micrometeorological Techniques
Mass Balance
Integrated Horizontal Flux (IHF)
Modified Mass Difference (MMD) Approach
Vertical Flux Techniques
Eddy Covariance (EC)
3.2 Modelling Techniques
3.3 Mitigation Technologies
3.3.1 Potassium Amendment
3.3.2 Midseason Drainage
3.3.3 Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) Technology
3.3.4 Nitrogen Fertilizer on Methane Emissions
3.3.5 Biocovers of Landfills
3.3.6 Biological Aspect of the Amendment of Methanogenic Activity

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