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1: The Tiresome Debate about Germanyś Role in the World: From Overcoming Division to the New German Question
No Fear of Germany-The Laborious Development of German Foreign Policy
The End of the West and Responsible Power Politics
Challenges to German Foreign Policy in a Radically Changed World
2: The Future of the Global Economy and the Euro Area
German Trade Surpluses-A Threat to the Global Economy?
An Agenda for the Sustainable Improvement of German Competitiveness
The Euro Crisis-Germanys Alternative Path to Solidarity

3: Between the Fronts: Conflict and Crisis Management on the Eastern and Southern Flanks of the EU
Security in Europe-Russia and the Ukrainian Crisis
Breaking of Taboos in German Foreign and Security Policy-The Crises on the Southern Periphery
Europeś Defense and Balancing Out of Military Power
The Refugee Crisis and the Dilemma of the Idea of Humanitarian Intervention
4: Transatlantic and Other Strategic Partnerships: Germany in the Concert of Global System Change
``Taking Fate Into Your Own Hands ́́ On the Future of Transatlantic Relations

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