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About the Author
About the Technical Reviewer
Chapter 1: What Is a Virtual Private Server?
A Brief Understanding of the Internet and Computers Connected to It
Opening a Web Page: How the Magic Happens
First: Where Does Live?
Second: Let's Knock on the (Web Server) Door
An Introduction to Information Technology Cloud Services
Physical Infrastructure
Web Hosting vs. Virtual Private Servers
How Much Does It Cost?
What's the Catch?
Skills and Resources
Skills Taught Here

Professional Development
Chapter 2: Selecting a VPS Provider
Providers: Low End, High End, and Cloud
Low-End Priced/Small Shop
High-End Priced/Large Shop
Priced by the Minute/Cloud Infrastructure
Key Terms
Terms of Service (TOS)
Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
Warning Signs
Resources and Budgeting
New Account Addressing, Domains, and Access
Access and Security
Choosing Your Linux Distribution: CentOS or Debian
Chapter 3: Basic Linux Administration via the Command Line
Logging In and Uploading Files
Setting Up Your User Account

Basic Commands
The Directory Structure
cd, pwd, ls, cat, and less
touch, mv, and cp
rm, the Most Dangerous Command
find, or How to Find a File, and How to Consult a Manual Page
Linked Files
File Permissions, su, and sudo
Editing Files
How Your Server Starts Up and Shuts Down
Bootup with Systemd
Graphical vs. CLI
Installing and Updating Software
Installing New Software
Updating Existing Software
Removing Software
Installing from Source
Chapter 4: Basic Linux Administration via GUI (Webmin)

Do You Need a GUI?
Downloading and Installing Webmin
Installing a Trusted SSL Certificate on Debian
Installing a Trusted SSL Certificate on CentOS
Installing Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for Webmin
Enabling Two-Factor Authentication
Starting and Stopping Webmin
Basic Modules
Webmin Group
System Group
Servers Group
Others Group
Networking Group
Hardware Group
Cluster Group
Advanced Topics
Creating Other Webmin Users
Chapter 5: Basics of Linux Security
Physical Security, Console Access, and File Permissions

Console Access
File Permissions
SetUID, SetGID, and SELinux
Securing Administrative Access Using sudo
Network Security
Open Ports and Firewalls
Securing SSH by Using Keyfiles
Locking It All Down
Log File Management
Viewing and Rotating Logs
Final Thoughts on Security
Chapter 6: Basics of Backups and Version Control
Backup Basics: What to Back Up, Where to Back It Up, and How Often to Back Up
Scheduled vs. On-Demand Backups
Backup Method 1: Gzipped Tar Files and Shell Scripts
Backup Method 2: Duplicati GUI
Version Control Using Git

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