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1. Introduction
2. Some Introductory Thoughts
Part I. The European "Postwar Consensus" and the European Project
3. The Origins of the Idea of European Integration: A German Perspective
4. The European "Postwar Consensus" and the Birth of the EEC
5. "Large Switzerland" or "Large France" : The Ordoliberals and Early European Integration
6. Hayeks Europe: The Austrian School and European Federalism
7. The Monnet Method and the Obsolescence of the EU
Part II. The Evolution of the European Project in the 1980s: How Liberalisation Affected Europe
8. The Re-launching of European Integration in the 1980s, Ideas and Policies
9. Evaluating Mrs. Thatchers Reforms: Britains 1980s Economic Reform Program
10. The Rocky Road to European Monetary Union: A German Perspective
Part III. Our Current Predicament
11. The Euro in Perspective
12. Dealing with the Covid Debt Overhang
13. Globalization and Its Critics
14. The Great Recession and the Future of the EU.

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