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Chapter1. Current overview on the role of water in biomechanical and related systems
Chapter2. Sense and nonsense about water
Chapter3. Water nanoclusters in cosmology, astrobiology, the RNA world and biomedicine: the universe as a biosystem
Chapter4. Solvent induced effects on protein folding
Chapter5 Analysis of protein intramolecular and solvent bonding on example of major sonovital fluid component
Chapter6. Water behavior near the lipid bilayer
Chapter7. Water molecules organization surrounding ions, amphiphilic protein residues, and hyaluronan
Chapter8. Pathological water science
four examples and what they have in common
Chapter9. Powdery mildew fungus erysiphe alphitoides turns oak leaf surface to the higly hydrophobic state
Chapter10. Physics of suction cups in air and in water
Chapter 11. Water transport through synthetic membranes as inspired by transport through biological membranes
Chapter 12. Travelling waves connected to blood flow and motion of arterial walls
Chapter 13. Fractal properties of flocs, fitration cakes and biofilms in water and wastewater treatment process
Chapter 14. Soil hydrology
Chapter 15. External solicitations, pollution and patterns of water stock: remarks and some modeling proposals
Chapter 16. Water on livestock: biological role and global perspective on water demand and supply chains.

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