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1. Introduction: Social Pathology and Social Research
2. The Pathogenesis of Brexit: Pathologies of British Political Modernity
3. Pathologies of Reason in the Digital Age
4. Pathologies of Digital Communication: on Right-Extremist Populism
5. An Ontological Account of Social Pathology
6. Who is Ill When a Society is Ill?
7. Pathology as a Politico-Ontological Concept
8. Rawlsian Liberalism as a Failure of Critique
9. The Revolt of the Maladjusted: Defacing the Currency of Social Pathology Diagnosis in Contemporary Critical Theory
10. The Challenge of Postcapitalism: Non-Capitalist Temporalities and Social Pathology
11. Conclusion: Considerations on the Future of Pathology Diagnosing Critical Theory. .

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