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What makes the difference in early foreign language education? Lerner-internal vs lerner-external factors
Cognition and second language experience: how are executive function and second language acquisition related?
Trainability of foreign language aptitudes in children
TEaching foreign language grammar to children: the role of individual differences
Diversity in EELL: matters of ontext and contact
Reading accuracy measure in screening for dyslexia in the EFL classroom
Learning preferences of SEN children in an inclusive English classroom
Is strategy training necessary in L3 learning?
the study of communication strategies used by upper-primary school learners
Assessment for learning, learning for all: a case study in the foreign language classroom
A Multimodal Analysis of ELT Materials for Young Learners
"Picture this!"
the educational value of illustrations in the process of teaching L2 to young learners
Corpus-based evaluation of textbook content: A case of Russian language primary school textbooks for migrants
A literature review on preparing preservice primary foreign language teachers for diversity via the practicum
Teachers' opinions on heterogenous classes: insights for EFL teacher education
Supporting teachers of multilingual young learners: multilingual approach to diversity education (MADE)
A note on the influence of topic prominance in Japanese on Japanese beginner-level EFL learners' interlanguage: an empirical study
EFL reading with young learners: the teacher's perspective.

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