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1. Introduction
2. The Annual Conference on the Human Factor in Cybercrime: An analysis of participation in the 2018 and 2019 meetings
3. Cyber awareness versus actual online behaviour: a population based survey experiment
4. Susceptibility to Malware-Based Phishing and Smishing Attacks: An Experimental examination of the efficacy of thoughtfully reflective decision making and routine activities
5. No Gambles with Information Security: The Neuropsychology of a Ransomware Attack
6. Shifting the blame? Investigation of user compliance with digital payment regulations
7. The risk of an employees cyber misconduct on a Social Media Site: A potential threat factor for your organizations brand reputation and business endurance
8. Situating the effects of cybercrime victimization within the scope public safety: An exploratory study
9. Show me the money! Identy fraud financial losses and victims' efforts for reimbursement
10. The Impact of Cyber Crime: The Victims Perspectives
11. The Prevention of Financial Cybercrimes: What Do Clients Think?
12. Saint or Satan? Moral Development and Dark Triad Influences on Cyber-Criminal Intent
13. Cybercrime versus traditional crime: empirical evidence for clusters of offenses and related motivations
14. Gender Similarities (and Some Differences) Among Cybercrime Offenders Under Federal Supervision in the United States
15. Exploring the Role of Gender in Online Cybercrime Subcultures
16. Predicting the popularity of online account credentials advertisements
17. Child sexual exploitation communities on the Darkweb: How organized are they?
18. The Changing Division of Criminal Labour within the Modern Cybercrime Ecosystem.-19. Infrastructural power: mapping struggles over meaning, crime, and control in the Tor anonymity network
20. Law and Human Perspectives to Cybercrime Perpetration in Africa
21. Cybercrime reporting behaviors among small and medium-sized enterprises in the Netherlands. 22. Textmining for cybercrime in registrations of the Dutch police.

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