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Part 1. Setting the Scene for Bio#Futures
Chapter 1. Bioeconomy as a driver for upcoming 7th K-wave (2050-100)
Chapter 2. What can we do? Participatory foresight for the bioeconomy transition
Chapter 3. The Emergence of Bioeconomy in the 6th Kondratiev Wave of Change A Horizon Scanning-Based Approach
Part 2. Towards Circular Bioeconomy and Biosociety
Chapter 4. Strategies for Rapid Transition to a Circular, Bio-based Society
Chapter 5
Circular Bioeconomy : A Path to Sustainable and Climate wise (Material) Economy?
Chapter 6
The Bioeconomy Perspectives in Transformation towards a Circular Economy in Poland
Part 3. BioEcoJust Themes and Approaches
Chapter 7. OPEN BIOFUTURES: the Challenge of maintaining Agency for long-term Futures
Chapter 8. Sensing and Making Sense of Emergent BioEthos Using Futuring Games
Chapter 9. Bioeconomy in maturation
A pathway towards a good bioeconomy or distorting silence on crucial matters?
Part 4. Agro-Food and Healthcare Advancements
Chapter 10. Technological Landscape of the Agriculture and Food Sector: A Long-Term Vision
Chapter 11. Parallels between the Future for MedTech and Agri-Tech, Perspectives Drawing on the British Experience
Chapter 12. Genomic vaccines for pandemic diseases in times of COVID-19: global trends and patent landscape
Chapter 13. Non- Communicable Diseases in the era of precision medicine: an overview of the causing factors and prospects
Chapter 14. Obstacles in the Adaptation of Biopesticides in India
Chapter 15. Energy Solutions for Agricultural Machinery : From the Oil Era Towards a Sustainable Bioeconomy
Part 5. Sustainability Constraints and Prospects
Chapter 16. Embedding Sustainability Strategies to Protect God's Gift: The Earth
Chapter 17. Biological Degradation of Odorous Air Pollutants
Chapter 18. A Systematic Approach for Assessing and Managing the Urban Bioeconomy
Part 6. Innovative Energy Solutions
Chapter 19. Innovation in Bioenergy
Factors Affecting Innovation in Biofuels
Chapter 20. Increasing Flexibility of Biogas Plants Through the Application of Innovative Concepts
Chapter 21. Case Study for Status and Exploration of Microalgae in Egypt
Part 7. Bioeconomic Catalysts of Socio-Economic Development
Chapter 22. Approaches on Bioeconomy Education
Chapter 23. Bio-Economy as Proponent of Digital Meanings Society
Chapter 24. New Humanism: A Vital Component of Sustainable Socio-Technical Change
Part 8. The Way Ahead, Key Trends and Lessons
Chapter 25. Bioeconomy in the 21st Century: Global Trends Analysis Perspectives
Chapter 26. Responsible Innovation in Industry: The Role of a Firm's Multi-Stakeholder Network
Chapter 27
Inclusion and Resilience in the Bioeconomy.

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