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t. Bourni, M. Langford, and G. Tinaglia, Translating Solutions to Mean Curvature Flow
A. Chern, F. Knoppel, F. Pedit, U. Pinkall and P. Schroder, Finding conformal and isometric immersions of surfaces
J. Cho, W. Rossman, and S.-D Yang, Discrete minimal nets with symmetries
B. Daniel, A survey on minimal isometric immersions into R3, S2 X R and H2 X R
L. Ferrer, F. Martın, R. Mazzeo, and M. Rodrıguez
Families of minimal surfaces in H2 X R foliated by arcs and their Jacobi fields
E.S. Gama, E. Heinonen, J.H. de Lira and F. Martin, Jenkins-Serrin graphs in M X R
E. Heinonen, Survey on the asymptotic Dirichlet problem for the minimal surface equation
L. Heller, Generalized Whitham flow and its applications
D. Hoffman, T. Ilmanen, F. Martın and B. White, Notes on translating solitons for Mean Curvature Flow
M. Koiso, Uniqueness problem for closed non-smooth hypersurfaces with constant anisotropic mean curvature and self-similar solutions of anisotropic mean curvature flow
R. Lopez, The translating soliton equation
E. Mota, Constant Mean Curvature Surfaces For The Bessel Equation
A.C. Quintino, Minimal Surfaces under Constrained Willmore Transformation
G. Smith, On an Enneper-Weierstrass-type representation of constant Gaussian curvature surfaces in 3-dimensional hyperbolic space
P.M. Topping, Loss of initial data under limits of Ricci flows
M. Yasumoto, Semi-discrete maximal surfaces with singularities in Minkowski space.

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