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1. Introduction: A Cultural Sociology of the Authority of Science
2. The Disenchantment of the World and the Authority of Sociology: How the Queen of the Sciences Lost Her Throne
3. Down the Rabbit Hole: Heterodox Science on the Internet
4. The Pluralization of Academia: Disentangling Artistic Research
5. Elective Affinities between Religion and Neuroscience: The Cases of Conservative Protestantism and Mindfulness Spirituality
6. Cultural Worldviews and Lay Interpretations of Research Findings: The Role of the Scientific Consensus
7. Science without Scientists: DIY Biology and the Renegotiation of the Life Sciences
8. Contesting Epistemic Authority: Conspiracy Theories on the Boundaries of Science
9. A Science Confidence Gap: Education, Trust in Scientific Methods, and Trust in Scientific Institutions in the United States, 2014.

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