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5 Sample Size and Strictness
6 Concluding Remarks
On the Calculation of the ARL for Beta EWMA Control Charts
1 Introduction
2 The Beta Distribution and the EWMA Control Chart
3 Numerical Methods to Calculate EWMA ARL
4 Comparison Study
5 Conclusions
Flexible Monitoring Methods for High-yield Processes
1 Introduction
2 The Zero-Inflated Conway-Maxwell-Poisson (ZICOM-Poisson) Distribution
3 Monitoring Methods Based on ZICOM-Poisson Distribution
3.1 The p-[delta] CUSUM Chart
4 Performance Evaluations

*-1.5pc Statistical Process Control
Use of Conditional False Alarm Metric in Statistical Process Monitoring
1 Introduction
2 Static Use of CFAR
3 Dynamic Use of CFAR
4 Implementation Methods
5 Other Applications
6 Conclusions
Design Considerations and Trade-offs for Shewhart Control Charts
1 Introduction
2 Parameter Estimation
3 Design Criteria
3.1 Bias Criterion
3.2 Exceedance Probability Criterion
4 Distributional Assumptions
4.1 Parametric Methods
4.2 Nonparametric Methods

4.1 Performance Measure
4.2 IC and OOC Parameters for the Simulation Study
4.3 Derivation of Control Limits
5 Results and Discussions
6 An Example
7 Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations
An Average Loss Control Chart Under a Skewed Process Distribution
1 Introduction
2 The ML Control Chart
2.1 The Skew-Normal Distribution
2.2 The Loss Function
2.3 The Design of a Median Loss Control Chart
3 Performance Measurement of the ML Chart
4 The Average Loss Control Chart
4.1 The Distribution of Average Loss

4.2 The Design of an Average Loss Control Chart
5 Performance Measurement of the ALSN Control Chart
6 Conclusions
ARL-Unbiased CUSUM Schemes to Monitor Binomial Counts
1 Introduction
1.1 A Handful of CUSUM Charts and Schemes for Independent Counts
1.2 A Few CUSUM Charts and Schemes for Autocorrelated Counts
1.3 On ARL-Unbiased Charts for Discrete Output
2 The ARL of CUSUM Charts and Schemes for i.i.d. Counts
2.1 Upper and Lower One-Sided CUSUM Charts
2.2 The Two-Sided CUSUM Scheme

2.3 Relating the ARL of One-Sided CUSUM Charts and the Two-Sided CUSUM Scheme
3 The ARL-Unbiased Two-Sided CUSUM Scheme for i.i.d. Binomial Output
3.1 The Control Limits and Randomization Probabilities
3.2 Preliminary Results
4 The ARL of Two-Sided CUSUM Schemes for Binomial AR(1) Counts
4.1 Overall ARL Functions
4.2 Further Preliminary Results
5 Final Thoughts
Statistical Aspects of Target Setting for Attribute Data Monitoring
1 Introduction
2 Robust Point Estimation of p
2.1 Weight-Trimmed Estimate for p
2.2 Confidence Bounds for p

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