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Part 1. Crop Diseases Threaten Global Food Security. Chapter 1: Potatoes, citrus and coffee under threat(Jean Beagle Ristaino)
Chapter 2: Gone bananas? Current and future impact of Fusarium wilt on production (Randy C. Ploetz)
Part II: Emerging plant diseases and global food security : Chapter 3: Plant diseases, global food security and the role of R. Glenn Anderson (S. Rajaram, H. J. Dubin)
Chapter 4: Optimising reactive disease management using spatially explicit models at the landscape scale (Frédéric Fabre, Jérôme Coville, Nik J. Cunniffe)
Chapter 5: Challenge of virus disease threats to ensuring sustained uptake of vitamin-A-rich sweetpotato in Africa (Jan Kreuze, Wilmer Cuellar, Jan Low)
Part III: Global impacts of plant disease epidemics. Chapter 6: The impact of rice diseases in tropical Asia(N.P. Castilla, J.B. Macasero, J.E. Villa, A.H. Sparks, L. Willocqu, S. Savary)
Chapter 7: Importance of Fusarium spp. in wheat to food security: a global perspective(Toni Petronaitis, Steven Simpfendorfer, Daniel Hüberli)
Chapter 8: Quantitative assessment of consequences of quarantine plant pathogen introductions: from crop losses to environmental impact (Michael Jeger, Giuseppe Stancanelli, Gianni Gilioli, Gregor Urek, Ariena van Bruggen, Jean-Claude Grégoire, Vittorio Rossi, Wopke van der Werf, Alan MacLeod, Gritta Schader, Sybren Vos, Svetla Kozelska, Marco Pautasso, Ciro Gardi, Olaf-Mosbach-Schulz)
Part IV: Innovative techniques for monitoring emerging diseases. Chapter 9: Diagnosis and assessment of some fungal pathogens of rice: novel methods bring new opportunities (Sara Franco Ortega, Davide Spadaro, Maria Lodovica Gullino)
Chapter 10: Automated detection of a. Liberibacter asiaticus infection in citrus using immune tissue prints and machine learning(Jonathan Shao, Fang Ding, Shimin Fu, John S. Hartung)
Chapter 11: Plantwise: a knowledge and intelligence tool for food security through crop protection (Claire Beverley, Manju Thakur)
Part V: Plant diseases and food safety. Chapter 12: Pesticide residues in food: a never-ending challenge (Carmen Tiu)
Chapter 13: How can plant pathology help in the control of human pathogens associated with edible crop plants?(Nicola Holden).

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