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Modelling Subjective Happiness with a Survey Poisson Model and XGBoost using an Economic Security Approach
Monitoring web-based evaluation of online reputation in Barcelona
Information Technology for the Synthesis of Optimal Spatial Configurations with Visualization of the Decision-Making Process
Hybrid Approach to Combinatorial and Logic Graph Problems
Energy Efficient Algorithms Used In Datacenters : A Survey
Software Log Anomaly Detection Method using HTM Algorithm
Logical Inference in Predicate Calculus with the Definition of Previous Statements
Congestion Management Considering Demand Response Programs using Multi-objective Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm
A Hardware accelerator implementation of Multilayer Perceptron
Building a classifier of behavior patterns for semantic search based on cuckoo search meta-heuristics
TETRA Enhancement Based on Adaptive Modulation
Dynamic stability enhancement of grid connected wind system using grey wolf optimization technique
A Comparative Analysis on wide area power system control with Mitigation the effects of imperfect medium
Adware Attack Detection on IoT Devices using Deep Logistic Regression SVM (DL-SVM-IOT)
Intrusion Detection System for Securing Computer Networks Using Machine Learning: A Literature Review
An Exploration of Entropy techniques for Envisioning Announcement Period of Open Source Software
Occurrence prediction of pests and diseases in rice of weather factors using Machine Learning
A Literature Review on Generative Adversarial Networks with its Applications in Healthcare
A Federated Search System for Online Property Listings Based on SIFT Algorithm
Digital Brain Building a Key to Improve Cognitive Functions by an EEGControlled Videogames as Interactive Learning Platform
Intelligent car cabin safety system through IoT application
Utilization of Delmia Software for Saving Cycle Time in Robotics Spot Welding
Data protection techniques over multi-cloud environment- a review
Review Paper: Error Detection and Correction onboard Nanosatellites
Kerala Floods : Twitter Analysis using Deep Learning Techniques
An Improved DVFS Circuit & Error Correction Technique
Effective Predictive Maintenance to overcome System Failures A Machine Learning Approach
IN-LDA: An Extended Topic Model for Efficient Aspect Mining
Imbalance Rectification using Venn Diagram based Ensemble of Undersampling Methods for Disease Datasets.

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