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Chapter 1. Moving across the field: Researchermobilitiesandimmobilitiesduring international fieldwork
Chapter 2. Travelling with the field: Post-place communities of volunteer tourists on the move
Chapter 3. Assembling the fieldless field site
Chapter 4. Recruiting participants: A Socratic Dialogue on the ethics and challenges of encountering research participants
Chapter 5. Ethical research with children: Reflections from fieldwork in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Chapter 6. Fieldwork poetics: The in-betweenness of ethnographic alterity and researching with music
Chapter 7. Doing ethnography with a dual positionality: Experiences in Spanish and Taiwanese governmental institutions
Chapter 8. (M)otherhood, identity and positionality in and out of the field
Chapter 9. Recognising and addressing secondary trauma: Stories from the field
Chapter 10. From shining a light to making an argument A thesis writing journey
Chapter 11. Open inquiry: Fielding the field.

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