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PART I: Family firm-specific views and internationalization
Chapter 1: Internationalization Decisions in Family Firms: The Impact of Bifurcation Bias; Kano, L., Verbeke, A., & Johnston, A
Chapter 2: Internationalisation and Family Involvement: A Stewardship Approach in the Hotel Industry; Rienda, L., Claver, E., & Andreu, R
Chapter 3: The Association of Socioemotional Wealth and Networking with the Internationalization of Family SMEs; Metsola, J., Torkkeli, L., Leppaaho, T., Arenius, P. & Haapanen, M
Chapter 4: An integrative framework of family firms and foreign entry strategies
PART II: Internationalization process of family firms
Chapter 5: Internationalization of Family Firms as a Discontinuous Process: the Role of Behavioral Theory; Kuiken, A., Naldi, L. & Nordqvist, M
Chapter 6: One family firm, four families Developing management models of a family-values based MNC; Laari-Salmela, S., Mainela, T., Pernu, E. & Puhakka, V
Chapter 7: Founder legacy and networking in early internationalizing family firms of history; Korhonen, S., Leppaaho, T., Amdam, R., & Jack, S
PART III: Networks in family firm internationalization
Chapter 8: Entry nodes in foreign market entry and post-entry operation of family-managed firms; Kampouri, K. & Plakoyiannaki, E
Chapter 9: How do family firms orchestrate their Global Value Chain?; Debellis, F. & Rondi, E
Chapter 10: Coexistence of Economic and Noneconomic Goals in Building Foreign Partner Relationships: Evidence from Small Finnish Family Firms; Metsola, J
Chapter 11: Networking from Home to Abroad: The Internationalization of Iberostar Group; San Roman, E., Gil-Lopez, A. Jack, S., Diez-Vial, I. & Jack, S
Chapter 12: Social capital and values in the internationalization of family firms: a multi-country study; Batas, S., Guiderdoni-Jourdain, K., & Leppaaho, T
PART IV: Family firm internationalization from Emerging Markets
Chapter 13: The network dynamics during entrepreneurial internationalization: The case of a family firm from Colombia; Fuerst, S
Chapter 14: Internationalization of a migrant family firm and contextual uncertainty: The role of ethnic social networks; Centeno-Caffarena, L. & Discua Cruz, A
Chapter 15: Internationalization of Small Indian Family-Firms: An Emergent Theory; Jayakumar, T
Chapter 16: Family Firms Internationalization: The Importance of Home Country Institutions; Kahor, E. & Strandskov, J
Chapter 17: Internationalization Process of Developing-Country Family SMEs: The Case of Solanos Hermanos S.A. of Guatemala; Cruz-Cardenas, J. & Solis-Sierra, J.

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