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Chapter 1. Discourse coherence
From psychology to linguistics and back again (Maxime Amblard, Michel Musiol, Manuel Rebuschi)
Chapter 2. Linguistic Recursion and Danish Discourse Particles, Language in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (Patrick Blackburn, Torben Braüner, Irina Polyanskaya)
Chapter 3. Reasoning in multiparty dialogue involving patients with schizophrenia (Ellen Breitholtz, Robin Cooper, Christine Howes, Mary Lavelle)
Chapter 4. Picturing Questions and Answers
a formal approach to SLAM (Maria Boritchev, Maxime Amblard)
Chapter 5. Incoherences in Dialogues and their Formalization Focus on Dialogues with Schizophrenic Individuals (Christophe Fouqueré, Jean-Jacques Pinto, Myriam Quatrini)
Chapter 6. Metaphorical Thinking and Delusions in Psychosis (Felicity Deamer, Sam Wilkinson)
Chapter 7. The myth of irrationality: a Wittgensteinian approach to delusions and to the principle of charity (Mathieu Frérejouan)
Chapter 8. (In)Coherences in the discourse of the schizophrenic: an anthropological approach to the mind (Fabrice Louis)
Chapter 9. Conversations with madness, Meaning, Context and Incoherence (Valérie Aucouturier).

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