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Architecture, Networks, and Storage
Microarchitecture of a Configurable High-radix Router for Exascale Interconnect
BluesMPI: Efficient MPI Non-blocking Alltoall Offloading Designs on Modern BlueField Smart NICs
Lessons Learned from Accelerating Quicksilver on Programmable Integrated Unified Memory Architecture (PIUMA) and How that's Different from CPU
A Hierarchical Task Scheduler for Heterogeneous Computing
Machine Learning, AI, and Emerging Technologies
Auto-Precision Scaling for Distributed Deep Learning
FPGA Acceleration of Number Theoretic Transform
Designing a ROCm-aware MPI Library for AMD GPUs: Early Experiences
A Tunable Implementation of Quality-of-Service Classes for HPC Networks
Scalability of Streaming Anomaly Detection in an Unbounded Key Space using Migrating Threads
HTA: A Scalable High-Throughput Accelerator for Irregular HPC Workloads
Proctor: A Semi-Supervised Performance Anomaly Diagnosis Framework for Production HPC Systems
HPC Algorithms and Applications
COSTA: Communication-Optimal Shuffle and Transpose Algorithm with Process Relabeling
Enabling AI-Accelerated Multiscale Modeling of Thrombogenesis at Millisecond and Molecular Resolutions on Supercomputers
Evaluation of the NEC Vector Engine for Legacy CFD Codes
Distributed Sparse Block Grids on GPUs
iPUG: Accelerating Breadth-First Graph Traversals using Manycore Graphcore IPUs
Performance Modeling, Evaluation, and Analysis
Optimizing GPU-enhanced HPC System and Cloud Procurements for Scientific Workloads
A Performance Analysis of Modern Parallel Programming Models Using a Compute-Bound Application
Analytic Modeling of Idle Waves in Parallel Programs: Communication, Cluster Topology, and Noise Impact
Performance of the Supercomputer Fugaku for Breadth-First Search in Graph500 Benchmark
Under the Hood of SYCL
An Initial Performance Analysis With an Unstructured-mesh CFD Application
Characterizing Containerized HPC Application Performance at Petascale on CPU and GPU Architectures
Ubiquitous Performance Analysis
Programming Environments and Systems Software
Artemis: Automatic Runtime Tuning of Parallel Execution Parameters Using Machine Learning.

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