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The Role of Learning
You can't Learn what's not there: Self Supervised Learning and the Poverty of the Stimulus
Scaling Federated Learning for Fine-tuning of Large Language Models
Overcoming the Knowledge Bottleneck Using Lifelong Learning by Social Agents
Methodological Approaches
Word Embedding-based Topic Similarity Measures
Mixture Variational Autoencoder of Boltzmann Machines for Text Processing
A Modular Approach for Romanian-English Speech Translation
NumER: A Fine-grained Numeral Entity Recognition Dataset
Cross-Domain Transfer of Generative Explanations using Text-to-Text Models
Semantic Relations
Virus Causes Flu: Identifying Causality in the Biomedical Domain using an Ensemble Approach with Target-specific Semantic Embeddings
Multilevel Entity-Informed Business Relation Extraction
The Importance of Character-Level Information in an Event Detection Model
Sequence-based Word Embeddings for Effective Text Classification
BERT-Capsule Model for Cyberbullying Detection in Code-Mixed Indian Languages
Multiword Expression Features for Automatic Hate Speech Detection
Semantic Text Segment Classification of Structured Technical Content
On the Generalization of Figurative Language Detection: the Case of Irony and Sarcasm
Extracting Facts from Case Rulings through Paragraph Segmentation of Judicial Decisions
Detection of Misinformation about COVID-19 in Brazilian Portuguese WhatsApp Messages
Sentiment Analysis
Multi-Step Transfer Learning for Sentiment Analysis
Improving Sentiment Classification in Low Resource Bengali Language Utilizing Cross-lingual Self-supervised Learning
Human Language Comprehension in Aspect Phrase Extraction with Importance Weighting
Exploring Summarization to Enhance Headline Stance Detection
Predicting Vaccine Hesitancy and Vaccine Sentiment using Topic Modeling and Evolutionary Optimization
Sentiment Progression based Searching and Indexing of Literary Textual Artefacts
Social Media
Argument Mining in Tweets: Comparing Crowd and Expert Annotations for Automated Claim and Evidence Detection
Authorship Attribution using Capsule-based Fusion Approach
On the Explainability of Automatic Predictions of Mental Disorders from Social Media Data
Linking Documents
Using Document Embeddings for Background Linking of News Articles
Let's Summarize Scientific Documents! A Clustering-based Approach via Citation Context
Cross-Active Connection for Image-Text Multimodal Feature Fusion
Profiling Fake News Spreaders: Personality and Visual Information Matter 315
Comparing MultiLingual and Multiple MonoLingual Models for Intent Classification and Slot Filling
Automated Retrieval of Graphical User Interface Prototypes from Natural Language Requirements.

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