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Section 1. Africas Agricultural Renaissance
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. The imperative of investing in agriculture to catalyze national development
Chapter 3. The Current State of African Agriculture
Chapter 4. Agriculture-poverty-inequality nexus in Africa: Theory and Evidence
Chapter 5. Agriculture as a powerhouse of food security in Africa
Chapter 6. Agriculture as a powerhouse of inclusive development
Section 2. Towards a Powerhouse: Cases, Actions, and Conclusions
Chapter 7. Lessons from Asias agricultural transformation
Chapter 8. A system dynamic approach to African Agriculture
Chapter 9. Towards an agricultural powerhouse in Africa
Chapter 10. Summary and conclusions.

Part I. African agricultures potential, performance, lessons, and challenges
1. Introduction
2. Agriculture as the fulcrum of inclusive development in Africa
3. Africa's agriculture today : performance, challenges, and its political economy
Part II. Agriculture as the engine of economic transformation and inclusive development : theory, practice, and empirical evidence
4. Agriculture as a strategy to operationalize growth-poverty-inequality nexus : theory and evidence
5. Agriculture as a powerhouse of food security and economic transformation in Africa
6. Agriculture as a powerhouse of inclusive development in Africa
Part III. Case studies on agricultural transformation from Africa, Asia and Latin America
7. Introduction to regional case studies
8. Case studies from Africa
9. Case studies from Asia
10. Case studies from Latin America
Part IV. Towards an agricultural powerhouse in Africa
11. Policies and programmes for an agricultural powerhouse in Africa
12. Conclusions.

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