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1. Introduction
2. The Family of Individuals: An overview of the sociology of family in Europe, 130 years after Durkheim's first university course
3. Gender, social class and family relations in different life stages in Europe
4. What Law Has Joined: family relations and categories of kinship in the European court of Human rights
5. Family demography and values in Europe: Continuity and change
6. The configurational approach to families: Methodological suggestions
7. Visual Family Research Methods
8. Family transformations and sub-replacement fertility in Europe
9. Reexamining Degenderization. Changes in Family Policies in Europe
10. Familialisation of Care in European Societies. Between family and the state
11. Who Benefits from Parental Leave Policies? A Comparison Between Nordic and Southern European Countries
12. Family, poverty, and social policy interventions
13. Redefining the boundaries of family and personal relationships
14. Money in couples: The organisation of finances and the symbolic use of money in couples
15. Sibling relationships: being connected and related
16. "It's a balance on a knife-edge": Expectations of parents and adult children
17. Non-parental childcare in France, Norway, and Spain
18. Sharing the caring responsibility between the private and the public: childcare, parental choice, and inequality
19. Shared parenting after separation and divorce in Europe in the context of the Second demographic transition
20. Subjective well-being of children in the context of family change in Estonia, Poland, and Romania
21. Assessment of parental potential. Socioeconomic risk factors and of children's wellbeing
22. Towards a 'parenting regime': globalizing tendencies and localised variation
23. Migration and families in European society
24. The multidimensional nature of family migration: Transnational and mixed families in Europe
25. Intergenerational relations in the context of migration: gender roles in the family relationships
26. Despite the Distance? Intergenerational Contact in Times of Migration
27. Parenting and caring across borders in refugee context
28. The contribution of the life-course perspective to the study of family relationships: advances, challenges, and limitations
29. Varieties of youth transitions? A review of the comparative literature on the entry to adulthood
30. Transitions in later life and the re-configuration of family relationships in the third age: the case of baby boomers
31. From taken for granted to taken seriously. The Linked Lives Life Course Principle under Literature Analysis
32. Afterthoughts on an "earthquake of changes."

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