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Table of Contents
1. Origins: The International Race to Develop Anti-Crop and Anti-LivestockBiological Weapons
2. Genesis: Khrushchev and the Launch of the Soviet Unions Large-Scale Agricultural Biowarfare Programme
3. The Expansion of the Ministry of Agricultures Toxic Archipelago
4. Heart of Darkness: The Role of the Pokrov Biologics Plant in Creating Reserve Mobilisation Capacity for Production of Viral Agents
5. Through a Glass Darkly: Analysis of the Soviet Unions Military Agricultural R & D Programmes
6. From Military to Agro-Industrial Complex: The Legacy of the Agricultural BW Programme.
1. Origins: The International Race to Develop Anti-Crop and Anti-LivestockBiological Weapons
2. Genesis: Khrushchev and the Launch of the Soviet Unions Large-Scale Agricultural Biowarfare Programme
3. The Expansion of the Ministry of Agricultures Toxic Archipelago
4. Heart of Darkness: The Role of the Pokrov Biologics Plant in Creating Reserve Mobilisation Capacity for Production of Viral Agents
5. Through a Glass Darkly: Analysis of the Soviet Unions Military Agricultural R & D Programmes
6. From Military to Agro-Industrial Complex: The Legacy of the Agricultural BW Programme.