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JetBrains MPS: Why Modern Language Workbenches Matter
Part I: JetBrains MPS in Industrial Applications
Use MPS to Unleash the Creativity of Domain Experts: Language Engineering Is a Key Enabler for Bringing Innovation in Industry
JetBrains MPS as Core DSL Technology for Developing Professional Digital Printers
A Domain-Specific Language for Payroll Calculations: An Experience Report from DATEV
FASTEN: An Extensible Platform to Experiment with Rigorous Modeling of Safety-Critical Systems
Migrating Insurance Calculation Rule Descriptions from Word to MPS
Part II: JetBrains MPS in Research Projects
Projecting Textual Languages
Engineering Gameful Applications with MPS
Learning Data Analysis with MetaR
Part III: Teaching and Learning with JetBrains MPS
Teaching MPS: Experiences from Industry and Academia
Teaching Language Engineering Using MPS.

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