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Table of Contents
About the Author
About the Technical Reviewers
Chapter 1: Introduction to Conversational AI
The History of Text Chatbots
Why Do Some Chatbots Fail?
Machine Learning Simply Explained
Natural Language Processing
Chatbots and Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning and Google
About Google Cloud
Open Source
About Dialogflow
Dialogflow Essentials and Dialogflow CX
How Dialogflow Essentials Works
How the Industry Is Changing Its Complexity
Where Dialogflow CX Fits In
Dialogflow CX Explained
Dialogflow Essentials vs. Dialogflow CX
About Contact Center AI
CCAI Architecture
About Google Cloud Speech Technology
Cloud Speech-to-Text API
Cloud Text-to-Speech API
Custom Voice
Other Google Conversational AI Products
Google Assistant
Actions on Google
Actions Builder
Meena & amp
Further Reading
Chapter 2: Getting Started with Dialogflow Essentials
Dialogflow Essentials Editions
Creating a Dialogflow Trial Agent
Creating Dialogflow Agents for Enterprises
User Roles and Monitoring
Using VPC Service Controls
Using Developer Features
Configuring Your Dialogflow Project
ML Settings
Automatic Spell Correction
Automatic Training
Agent Validation
Export and Import
Improve Speech Recognition Quality
Enable Enhanced Speech Models and Data Logging
Enable Auto Speech Adaptation
Text to Speech
Enable Automatic Text to Speech
Voice Configuration
Configuring Your Dialogflow for Developers
Further Reading
Chapter 3: Dialogflow Essentials Concepts
Intents in Depth
Setting Up Intents
Entities in Depth.

Creating Custom Entities
Advanced Custom Entities
Creating Intents with Entities in Training Phrases
Keeping Context
Setting Up Follow-Up Intents
Manually Setting Input and Output in "Normal" Intents
Keeping Context with the SDK
Testing in the Simulator
Further Reading
Chapter 4: Building Chatbots with Templates
Creating Prebuilt Agents
Enabling Small Talk Modules
Creating an FAQ Knowledge Base
Best Practices
Convert Knowledge Base Questions to Intents
Further Reading
Chapter 5: Bot Management
Agent Validation
Understanding Validation Results
Validation via the SDK
Improve the Dialogflow Machine Learning Model with Built-in Training
Further Reading
Chapter 6: Deploying Your Chatbot to Web and Social Media Channels
Integrating Your Agent with Google Chat
Enabling Your Agent in the Google Chat
Rich Messages Support
More Text-Based/Open Source Integration Options
Integrating Your Agent with a Web Demo
Integrating Your Agent with a Dialogflow Messenger
Changing the Look and Feel of the Chatbot Component
Rich Messages Support
Further Reading
Chapter 7: Building Voice Agents
Building a Voice AI for a Virtual Assistant Like the Google Assistant
Rich Messages
Fulfillment and Webhooks
Invoke Your Action on the Google Assistant with Explicit and Implicit Invocation
Submitting an Action via Actions on Google
Building an Action with the Actions SDK
Using the Actions SDK Solution
Deploying Your Action
Building a Callbot with a Phone Gateway
Response Messages for the Phone Gateway
Building Bots for Contact Centers with Contact Center AI
Enabling Contact Center AI
Improving Speech to Text Quality
Custom Entities Hints
System Entities Hints
Intent Hints.

Overriding Speech Hints in Your Code
Fine-Tuning the Text to Speech Output of Voice Bots with SSML
UX Design for Voice Dialogues Matters!
Text to Speech Voices
Controlling the Intonation
Further Reading
Chapter 8: Creating a Multilingual Chatbot
Agent Languages
Building a Multi-language Agent
Exporting a Multi-language Dialogflow ES Agent
Detecting Multi-language Intents via the SDK
Working with the Translation Service
Further Reading
Chapter 9: Orchestrate Multiple Sub-chatbots from One Chat Interface
Creating a Mega-Agent
Using the SDK
How Billing Works
Further Reading
Chapter 10: Creating Fulfillment Webhooks
An Introduction to Fulfillment Webhooks
Building a Fulfillment with the Built-in Editor
Enable Fulfillment
Using the dialogflow-fulfillment Package
Diagnostic Info
Firebase Logs
Using Actions on Google for Building Dialogflow Fulfillment
Build Your Fulfillment Webhook Manually
Building Fulfillments Webhook
Where to Run My Back-End Code?
Cloud Functions
App Engine (Flexible Environment)
Cloud Run
Kubernetes Engine
Compute Engine
Enable Webhooks
Cloud Function Implementation
Express Implementation (with Cloud Run)
Google Cloud Logging
Building Multilingual Fulfillment Webhook
i18n Code Example
Using Local Webhooks
Testing Your Fulfillment Without Dialogflow and ngrok
Securing Webhooks
Basic Authentication
Authentication with Authentication Headers
Mutual TLS Authentication
Valid Secure SSL Certificate
Root CA
HTTPS Authentication Setup with Apache
A Full Example for Setting Up Mutual TLS Authentication
Create a Node.js VM on Compute Engine
Attach a Domain Name to Your VM
Set Up Your Node Application
Set Up mTLS
Further Reading.

Chapter 11: Creating a Custom Integration with the Dialogflow SDK
Implementing a Custom Chatbot in Your Website Front End, Setup
UI Implementation
Back-End Implementation
Welcome Message
Creating Rich Responses in Your Chatbot Integration
A Hyperlink Component, a Google Map, and an Image Component
Using Markdown Syntax and Conditional Templates in Your Dialogflow Responses
Branching the Conversation
Building an Integration to Run a Dialogflow Agent in a Native Mobile Android or iOS App with Flutter
Two Techniques for Integrating Dialogflow in a Flutter Application
Integrating the Dialogflow SDK Directly into Your Flutter App
A Flutter App That Communicates with a Back-End Dialogflow SDK App
Further Reading
Chapter 12: Implementing a Dialogflow Voice Agent in Your Website or App Using the SDK
Reasons for Not Picking Google Assistant
Building a Client-Side Web Application That Streams Audio from a Browser Microphone to a Server
Build the Front End
Short Utterance vs. Streaming
Record Single Utterances
Record Audio Streams
Building a Web Server That Receives a Browser Microphone Stream to Detect Intents
Dialogflow vs. Text-to-Speech API vs. Speech-to-Text API
Speech-to-Text API
Text-to-Speech API
Build the Back End
API Calls to Dialogflow
Retrieving Audio Results from Dialogflow and Playing It in Your Browser
Client-Side Code to Play the Audio
Further Reading
Chapter 13: Collecting and Monitoring Conversational Analytics
Conversation-Related Metrics
Customer Rating Metrics
Chat Session and Funnel Metrics
Bot Model Health Metrics
Capturing Conversation-Related Metrics to Store in BigQuery
Capture Points
Session Id
Sentiment Score.

Language and Keyword
Intent Detection
Building a Platform for Capturing Conversation-Related Metrics and Redacting Sensitive Information
Detecting User Sentiment
Topic Mining
Collecting Customer Rating Metrics
Net Promoter Score (NPS)
Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)
Customer Effort Score (CES)
Monitoring Chat Session and Funnel Metrics with Dialogflow, Chatbase, or Actions on Google
Metrics to Monitor
Total Usage
Percentage of Users That Matches the Intent
Completion Rate
Drop-Off Rate/Drop-Off Place
Channel-Specific Metrics to Monitor
User Retention
Endpoint Health
Dialogflow Built-in Analytics
Monitoring Metrics with Chatbase
Analytics on Actions on Google
Capturing Chatbot Model Health Metrics for Testing the Underlying NLU Model Quality
True Positive-A Correctly Matched Intent
True Negative-An Unsupported Request
False Positive-A Misunderstood Request
False Negative-A Missed Request
True Positive Rate
False Positive Rate
ROC Curve
F1 Score
Confusion Matrix
Further Reading
Appendix: An Introduction to Dialogflow CX
How the Industry Is Changing Its Conversation Complexity
Where Dialogflow CX Fits In
Dialogflow CX Features
New Concepts in Dialogflow CX
State Handlers
Contact Center Features
Customer-Managed Encryption Keys (CMEKs)
Where Both Products Differ
Fulfillment and Webhooks
Error Handling
When to Use Dialogflow CX vs. Dialogflow ES?
Further Reading

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