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Influencer Engagement Rate Under Scalable Machine Learning Approaches
Action-Aware Restricted Stream Influence Maximization Model to Identify Social Influencers
Multimodal Analysis of Client Persuasion in Consulting Interactions: Toward Understanding Successful Consulting
Advertising on the Web: Soft Narration or Hard Promotion
The impact of Social Media Marketing on Impulse Buying
Notes on Advertising Logics in Food Applications
Studying the Influence of Social Media Use on Sales Performance: the Role of Relational Mediators
Prediction for Private Brand Items Purchase Behavior of Hair Salons Using Bayesian Survival Analysis
First Steps in The Entrepreneurial Practice of Marketing
Customer Visit Prediction Using Purchase Behavior and Tendency
Verification of Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis Clustering Solution Stability and Proposal of Optimal Initial Values Setting Method
Consumer Attitude and Behavior during Black Friday and Cyber Monday
The Challenges and Policy Issues Faced by Saudi HEIs when Adopting or Formulating Social Media Policies
Analyzing the Student eXperience Concept: A Literature Review
Exploring Factors of an Inclusive Textbook Access Program in Computer Technology Courses
Online Learning and Student Satisfaction in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Activity Comparison of the Participants using Japanese as L2 and their L1 in Group Discussion
Serious Games in STEM: Online Collaborative Design of a Lunar Simulator
Safeguarding Academic Integrity in Crisis Induced Environment: A Case Study of Emirati Engineering and IT Students in a Private University in the UAE
Efficacy of Group Work in the Online Platform: An Exploration of Multicultural Undergraduates' Attitudes in Online Academic Writing Classes
Design, Implementation and Evaluation of a Technical Platform that Supports Spanish Speaking Children with Intellectual Disabilities Learn English as a Second Language
Student eXperience in Times of Crisis: A Chilean Case Study
Social Media During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Public Health Crisis or a Political Battle?
The Covid-19 Crisis: an NLP Exploration of the French Twitter Feed (February-May 2020
Supporting Students while Shifting to Online Learning During COVID-19: Community College Feedback from Several Computing Courses
Life Clock: Developing a Technological Platform to Promote Active Ageing
Layer Zero: An Approach for Deepening Self-Reflection on Instagram Shares
Role of Social Media in Coping with COVID-19 Stress: Searching for Intergenerational Perspectives
Gamified Mobile Health Interventions for Mental Well-being of Older Adults
Pandemic Discussions in VKontakte: Hopes and Fears
Coaching Older Adults in Health Games: A Goal Oriented Modelling Approach
Isolation and Use of Social Media by Autistic Individuals during Covid-19 Lockdown: Perceptions of Caregivers
Infusing Motivation into Reminders for Improving Medication Adherence.

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