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Probability and Statistics on Riemannian Manifolds
From Bayesian inference to MCMC and convex optimisation in Hadamard manifolds
Finite Sample Smeariness on Spheres
Gaussian distributions on Riemannian symmetric spaces in the large N limit
Smeariness Begets Finite Sample Smeariness
Online learning of Riemannian hidden Markov models in homogeneous Hadamard spaces
Quinten Tupker, Salem Said and Cyrus MostajeranSub-Riemannian Geometry and Neuromathematics
Submanifolds of fixed degree in graded manifolds for perceptual completion
An auditory cortex model for sound processing
Conformal model of hypercolumns in V1 cortex and the Moebius group. Application to the visual stability problem
Extremal controls for Duits car
Multi-Shape Registration with Constrained Deformations
Shapes Spaces
Geodesics of the Quotient-Affine Metrics on Full-Rank Correlation Matrices
Parallel Transport on Kendall Shape Spaces
Diffusion Means and Heat Kernel on Manifolds
A reduced parallel transport equation on Lie Groups with a left-invariant metric
Currents and K-functions for Fiber Point Processes
Geometry of Quantum States
Q-Information Geometry of Systems
Group actions and Monotone Metric Tensors: The qubit case
Quantum Jensen-Shannon divergences between infinite-dimensional positive definite operators
Towards a geometrization of quantum complexity and chaos
Hunt's colorimetric effect from a quantum measurement viewpoint
Geometric and Structure Preserving Discretizations
The Herglotz principle and vakonomic dynamics
Structure-preserving discretization of a coupled heat-wave system, as interconnected port-Hamiltonian systems
Examples of symbolic and numerical computation in Poisson geometry.-New directions for contact integrators
Information Geometry in Physics
Space-time thermo-mechanics for a material continuum
Entropic dynamics yields reciprocal relations
Lie Group Machine Learning
Gibbs states on symplectic manifolds with symmetries
Gaussian Distributions on the Space of Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices from Souriaus Gibbs State for Siegel Domains by Coadjoint Orbit and Moment Map
On Gaussian Group Convex Models
Exponential-wrapped probability densities on SL(2,C)
Information Geometry and Hamiltonian Systems on Lie Groups
Geometric and Symplectic Methods for Hydrodynamical Models
Multisymplectic variational integrators for fluid models with constraints
Metriplectic Integrators for Dissipative Fluids
From quantum hydrodynamics to Koopman wavefunctions I
From quantum hydrodynamics to Koopman wavefunctions II
Harmonic Analysis on Lie Groups
The Fisher information of curved exponential families and the elegant Kagan inequality
Continuous Wavelet transforms for vector-valued functions
Entropy under disintegrations
Koszul Information Geometry, Liouville-Mineur Integrable Systems and Moser Isospectral Deformation Method for Hermitian Positive-Definite Matrices
Flapping Wing Coupled Dynamics in Lie Group Setting
Statistical Manifold and Hessian Information Geometry
Canonical foliations of statistical manifolds with hyperbolic compact leaves
Open problems in global analysis. Structured foliations and the information Geometry
Curvature inequalities and Simons' type formulas in statistical geometry
Harmonicity of Conformally-Projectively Equivalent Statistical Manifolds and Conformal Statistical Submersions
Algorithms for approximating means of semi-infinite quasi-Toeplitz matrices
Geometric Mechanics
Archetypal Model of Entropy by Poisson Cohomology as Invariant Casimir Function in Coadjoint Representation and Geometric Fourier Heat Equation
Bridge Simulation and Metric Estimation on Lie Groups
Constructing the Hamiltonian from the behaviour of a dynamical system by proper symplectic decomposition
Non-relativistic Limits of General Relativity
Deformed Entropy, Cross-entropy, and Relative Entropy
A Primer on Alpha-Information Theory with Application to Leakage in Secrecy Systems
Schrodinger encounters Fisher and Rao: a survey
Projections with logarithmic divergences
Chernoff, Bhattacharyya, Renyi and Sharma-Mittal divergence analysis for Gaussian stationary ARMA processes
Transport Information Geometry
Wasserstein statistics in one-dimensional location-scale models
Traditional and accelerated gradient descent for neural architecture search
Recent developments on the MTW tensor
Wasserstein Proximal of GANs
Statistics, Information and Topology
Information cohomology of classical vector-valued observables
On Marginal Estimation Algorithms
Belief Propagation as Diffusion
Towards a functorial description of quantum relative entropy
Frobenius Statistical manifolds & geometric invariants
Geometric Deep Learning
SU(1, 1) Equivariant Neural Networks and Application to Robust Toeplitz Hermitian Positive Definite Matrix Classification
Iterative SE(3)-Transformers
End-to-End Similarity Learning and Hierarchical clustering for unfixed size datasets
Information theory and the embedding problem for Riemannian manifolds
cCorrGAN: Conditional CorrGAN for Learning Empirical Conditional Distributions in the Correlation Elliptope
Topological and Geometrical Structures in Neurosciences
Topological Model of Neural Information Networks
On Information Links
Betti Curves of Rank One Symmetric Matrices
Algebraic Homotopy Interleaving Distance
A Python hands-on tutorial on network and topological neuroscience
Computational Information Geometry
Computing statistical divergences with sigma points
Remarks to Laplacian of graphical models in various graphs
Classification in the Siegel space for vectorial autoregressive data
Information Metrics for Phylogenetic Trees via Distributions of Discrete and Continuous Characters
Wald Space for Phylogenetic Trees
Necessary Condition for Semiparametric Efficiency of Experimental Designs
Parametrisation Independence of the Natural Gradient in Overparametrised Systems
Properties of nonlinear diffusion equations on networks and their geometric aspects
Renyi Relative Entropy from Homogeneous Kullback-Leibler Divergence Lagrangian
Statistical bundle of the transport model
Manifolds and Optimization
Endpoint Quasi-geodesics on the Stiefel Manifold
Optimization of a shape metric based on information theory applied to segmentation fusion and evaluation in multimodal MRI for DIPG tumor analysis
Metamorphic image registration using a semi-Lagrangian scheme
Geometry of the symplectic Stiefel manifold endowed with the Euclidean metric
Divergence Statistics
On f-divergences between Cauchy distributions
Transport information Hessian distances
Minimization with respect to divergences and applications
Optimal transport with some directed distances
Robust Empirical Likelihood
Optimal Transport and Learning
Mind2Mind : Transfer Learning for GANs
Fast and asymptotic steering to a steady state for networks flows
Geometry of Outdoor Virus Avoidance in Cities
A Particle-Evolving method for approximating the Optimal Transport plan
Geometric Structures in Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
Schrodinger problem for lattice gases: a heuristic point of view
A variational perspective on the thermodynamics of non-isothermal reacting open systems
On the Thermodynamic Interpretation of Deep Learning Systems
Dirac structures in thermodynamics of non-simple systems.

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