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Chapter 1: Risk, identity and conflict: A critical overview
Part I: Ethno-religious Approaches to Risk and Security
Chapter 2: Risk, Security, and the War on Terror
Chapter 3: Ethnicity, Insecurity and Geostrategic Transformation in the Horn of Africa
Chapter 4: Formation of Diaspora Network and Reconstruction of Collective Memory: The Case of Indo-Fijians
Chapter 5: Ethnicity and Geopolitics of Rohingya Crisis
Chapter 6: Pious predicaments and pathways for engagement: Ulama and risks in post-conflict milieu
Part II: Institutional and Policy Approaches to Ethno-religious Risks
Chapter 7: Ethnic conflicts and peacekeeping
Chapter 8: Ethnofederal Elections and National Identities: Cross-National Survey Research
Chapter 9: A Quantitative Text Analysis on Mobilisation of the Electorate by Islamist Parties during the 2018 Iraqi Parliamentary Election
Chapter 10: Bridging the gap between political ideals and political practices in Afghanistan
Chapter 11: COVID-19 and the Way to Authoritarian Rule in Ethiopia
Part III: Gender-based Approaches to Risk and Security
Chapter 12: Norm Diffusion and Sexual Gender-based violence Survivor Support: A Case Study of Refugee Settlements in Uganda
Chapter 13: Help-seeking Pathways and Barriers of GBV Survivors in South Sudanese Refugee Settlements in Uganda
Chapter 14: Negotiating the Gender Based Violence referral pathway: Challenges and opportunities in the refugee hosting areas of Uganda
Chapter 15: Risk, Identity and Conflict: Some Concluding Remarks.

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