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Foreword: A Post-liberalization India
Editors and Contributors
List of Figures
List of Tables
1 Introduction
1.1 Manifestation of the Economic Crisis
1.1.1 Government's Response to the Crisis
1.2 COVID-19: Opportunities for India in the Health Industry
1.3 Structure of the Book
1.4 Unique Aspects of the Book
Part I Agriculture
2 The Crisis in Indian Agriculture: Genesis, Response and Future Prospects
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The Genesis of the Crisis
2.2.1 Rising Costs and Falling Profits

2.2.2 The Non-farm Sector
2.2.3 Exogenous Shocks and Intensification of Agrarian Distress
2.3 The Response to the Crisis in Agriculture
2.4 Concluding Remarks
3 Supply Chain Management of Food Grains in India
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Supply Chain Management in Agriculture
3.3 Food Supply Chain Networks
3.4 Key Objective of the Study
3.5 Supply Chain of Food Grains
3.6 Supply Chain of Wheat and Rice
3.7 Supply Chain Management of Rice
3.7.1 Methodology
3.7.2 Value Addition to Paddy by Farmers
3.8 Supply Chain Management in Wheat

3.8.1 Supply Chain of Wheat in India
3.8.2 Issues in Supply Chain in Wheat
3.8.3 Economic Analysis of Wheat Value Chain
3.8.4 Marketing of Wheat
3.9 Brief Summary and Conclusions
Part II Industry, Innovation and Technology
4 Regional Concentration of Industries in India: What Does the Recent Data Say and How to Understand the Implications? A Perspective
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Spatial Concentration of Manufacturing: Recent Trends
4.2.1 Registered Manufacturing: Spatial Concentration of Factories
4.2.2 Net Entry of Factories by Employment Size

4.2.3 What About the Unregistered Sector?
4.3 Roots of Regional Manufacturing Concentration
4.3.1 Recession of 1965-67 and Industrial Delicensing
4.3.2 Freight Equalization Scheme and Its Adverse Effects
4.3.3 Policy for Planned Dispersion and Unbalanced Outcomes
4.4 Factors Reinforcing Concentration
4.4.1 Public Sector Investment and Domestic Capital Formation
4.4.2 Distribution of Exports by State and Net Entry
4.5 Should We Worry About Increasing Regional Concentration?

5 Indian Electronics Industry's FDI-Led GVC Engagement: Theoretical and Policy Insights from a Firm-Level Analysis
5.1 Integrating into Global Value Chains
5.2 A Critique of Existing Approaches to Assessing GVC Participation
5.3 A New Methodological Approach
5.4 Nature of FDI-Driven GVC Participation: A Case Study
5.4.1 Findings from Annual Reports
5.4.2 The Indian Subsidiary's Trade Networks
5.4.3 Analysis of Network Relations Based on Import Origin and Export Markets
5.5 Conclusion

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