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About the Editors
Resiliency of Power Grid Infrastructure Under Extreme Hazards
Observations and Lessons Learned from Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico
1 Introduction
2 Maria's Path and Impacts
3 Investigation of Damaged Structures in Puerto Rico
4 Puerto Rico's Power Grid Situation After Maria
5 Discussion
5.1 Storm Effect Correlations
6 Power Structure Hardening Recommendations
7 Conclusions

Methodology that Combines Multi-criteria Methods for Decision-Making, Hierarchical Analytical Process and the Goal Programming, and Their Impact in the Sustainability Evaluation of Hydroelectric Projects in Mexico
1 Introduction
1.1 Hydroelectric Sustainability
1.2 Hydroelectricity in Mexico
1.3 Research Question
2 Methodological Framework
2.1 Phase I: Correlational Method
2.2 Phase II: Documentary Analysis
3 Materials and Methods
3.1 Measuring Instrument
3.2 Documentary Analysis
4 Results
4.1 Results by Homogeneous Expert Groups by Specialty

4.2 Documentary Analysis
4.3 Model Synthesis
4.4 Sensitivity Analysis
5 Conclusions
A State of the Art Review of Buckling Restrained Brace: History, Application, and Design
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
3 Differential Equation Governing Stability of BRB Under Axial Compression [21]
4 The Relation Between Elastic Modulus of Casing/Mortar and Core Buckling Stress [21]
5 Conclusion
Characteristics of Lithely (Flexible) Arch Bridges and Case Studies from Satara
1 Introduction
2 Literature Review
3 Overview of Study Area

4 Materials and Methods Used for the Construction of the Lithely Arch Bridge
5 Observations and Discussions
The Design Parameters and Quality Requirements of Jet Grout Columns in the Stabilization of a Sloping Bermed Excavation
1 Introduction
2 The Project Site
3 Study of the Proof Coring Results of the Working JGC
4 Discussions and Conclusions
Performance of the Jet Grouted Sloping Berm as a Support to the Diaphragm Wall in an Excavation
1 Introduction
2 Basic Design Concepts

3 Design of a Jet Grouted Sloping Berm to Support the Diaphragm Wall
4 Performance of the Sloping Bermed Excavation
5 Conclusions
Influence of Lime and Coal Gangue on the CBR Behavior of Expansive Soil
1 Introduction
2 Materials and Methodology
3 Results and Discussions
3.1 Effect of Coal Gangue
3.2 Effect of Lime Addition
3.3 Effect of Curing Period
3.4 Effect of Coal Gangue on Elastic Moduli
3.5 Correlation Between CBR and Resilient Modulus Values
4 Conclusions
Field Soil Electrical Resistivity Measurements of Some Soil of Iraq

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