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Chapter 1
Interpreting Effects in Generalized Linear Modeling (Alan Agresti, Claudia Tarantola, and Roberta Varriale)
Chapter 2
ACE, AVAS and Robust Data Transformations: Performance of Investment Funds (Anthony C. Atkinson, Marco Riani, Aldo Corbellini, and Gianluca Morelli)
Chapter 3
Predictive Principal Component Analysis (Simona Balzano, Maja Bozic, Laura Marcis, and Renato Salvatore)
Chapter 4
Robust model-based learning to discover new wheat varieties and discriminate adulterated kernels in X-ray images (Andrea Cappozzo, Francesca Greselin, and Thomas Brendan Murphy)
Chapter 5
A dynamic model for ordinal time series: an application to consumers' perceptions of inflation (Marcella Corduas)
Chapter 6
Deep learning to jointly analyze images and clinical data for disease detection (Federica Crobu and Agostino Di Ciaccio)
Chapter 7 -Studying Affiliation Networks through Cluster CA and Blockmodeling (Daniela D'Ambrosio, Marco Serino, and Giancarlo Ragozini)
Chapter 8
Sectioning Procedure on Geostatistical Indices Series of Pavement Road Profiles (Mauro D'Apuzzo, Rose-Line Spacagna, Azzurra Evangelisti, Daniela Santilli, and Vittorio Nicolosi)
Chapter 9
Directional supervised learning through depth functions: an application to ECG waves analysis (Houyem Demni)
Chapter 10
Penalized vs. contrained approaches for clusterwise linear regression modelling (Roberto Di Mari, Stefano Antonio Gattone, and Roberto Rocci)
Chapter 11
Effect measures for group comparisons in a two-component mixture model: a cyber risk analysis (Maria Iannario and Claudia Tarantola)
Chapter 12
A Cramér-von Mises test of uniformity on the hypersphere (Eduardo García-Portugués, Paula Navarro-Esteban, and Juan Antonio Cuesta-Albertos)
Chapter 13
On mean and/or variance mixtures of normal distributions (Sharon X. Lee and Geoffrey J. McLachlan)
Chapter 14
Robust depth-based inference in elliptical models (Stanislav Nagy and Jiří Dvořák)
Chapter 15
Latent class analysis for the derivation of marketing decisions: An empirical study for BEV battery manufacturers (Friederike Paetz)
Chapter 16
Small Area Estimation Diagnostics: the Case of the Fay-Herriot Model (Maria Chiara Pagliarella)
Chapter 17
A comparison between methods to cluster mixed-type data: Gaussian mixtures versus Gower distance (Monia Ranalli and Roberto Rocci)
Chapter 18
Exploring the gender gap in Erasmus student mobility flows (Marialuisa Restaino, Ilaria Primerano, and Maria Prosperina Vitale).

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