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Chapter 1. A Rotation Criterion that Encourages a Hierarchical Factor Structure
Chapter 2. Comparison between different estimation methods of factor models for longitudinal ordinal data
Chapter 3. An Efficient Scheduling Algorithm for Parallel Planar Rotations of Factors
Chapter 4. Explanatory Response Time Models
Chapter 5. Response Time Relationships Within Examinees: Implications for Item Response Time Models
Chapter 6. Nonlinear Latent Effects in Diagnostic Classification Modeling Incorporating Response Times
Chapter 7. Sequential Monitoring of Aberrant Test-taking Behaviors Based on Response Times
Chapter 8. Estimating Approximate Number Sense (ANS) Acuity
Chapter 9. Differences in Symbolic and Non-Symbolic Measures of Approximate Number Sense
Chapter 10. Formulas of Multilevel Reliabilities for Tests with Ordered Categorical Responses
Chapter 11. Polytomous IRT models versus IRTree models for scoring non-cognitive latent traits
Chapter 12. On the coefficient alpha in high-dimensions
Chapter 13. IRT Analysis of Dimensional Structure and Item Wording Effects
Chapter 14. Item Level Measurement of Extreme Response Style
Chapter 15. On the marginal effect under partitioned populations: Definition and Interpretation
Chapter 16. Range-preserving confidence intervals and significance tests for scalability coefficients in Mokken scale analysis
Chapter 17. Equating Nonequivalent Groups using Propensity Scores-Model Misspecification and Sensitivity analysis
Chapter 18. Possible factors which may impact kernel equating of mixed-format tests
Chapter 19. Population Invariance of Equating for Subgroups Differing in Achievement Level
Chapter 20. Comparison of Outlier Detection Methods in NEAT Design
Chapter 21. An Illustration on the Quantile-Based Calculation of the Standard Error of Equating in Kernel equating
Chapter 22. Improving Measurement Efficiency of Test Construction in Cognitive Diagnosis Models
Chapter 23. Exploring Temporal Functional Dependencies between Latent Skills in Cognitive Diagnostic Models
Chapter 24. Sample size for Latent Dirichlet Allocation of Constructed-Response Items
Chapter 25. The asymptotic power of the Lagrange Multiplier tests for misspecified IRT models
Chapter 26. Residual Analysis in Rasch Counts Models
Chapter 27. A Bayesian solution to non-convergence of crossed random effects models
Chapter 28. Priors in Bayesian Estimation under the TwoParameter Logistic Model
Chapter 29. Increasing Measurement Precision of PISA through a Multistage Adaptive Testing
Chapter 30. Simulation studies of item bias estimation accuracy
Chapter 31. Multiple answer multiple choice items: A problematic item type?

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