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Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Introduction: The People and the Brussels bubble: Populism, democracy, and the EU institutions. (Paolo Cossarini, Carlo Ruzza, Carlo Berti)
Part 1. The European Union Facing the Populist Wave
Chapter 2. The Populist-Eurosceptic mix: Conceptual distinctions, ideational linkages and internal differentiation. (Emanuele Massetti)
Chapter 3: Populism and European Institutions. A historical perspective. (Roberto Santaniello)
Part 2. The Impact of Populism on the European Institutions
Chapter 4. The discursive construction of issues in the European Parliament: a model of reciprocal influence between populists and non-populists through polarisation and fragmentation. (Carlo Berti)
Chapter 5. The politicisation of the European Union and the role of the European Parliament: opportunities, risks and limitations. (Markus Warasin)
Chapter 6. The European Parliaments treatment of religion in times of populism. (Alberta Giorgi), etc.
Part 1. The European Union Facing the Populist Wave
Chapter 2. The Populist-Eurosceptic mix: Conceptual distinctions, ideational linkages and internal differentiation. (Emanuele Massetti)
Chapter 3: Populism and European Institutions. A historical perspective. (Roberto Santaniello)
Part 2. The Impact of Populism on the European Institutions
Chapter 4. The discursive construction of issues in the European Parliament: a model of reciprocal influence between populists and non-populists through polarisation and fragmentation. (Carlo Berti)
Chapter 5. The politicisation of the European Union and the role of the European Parliament: opportunities, risks and limitations. (Markus Warasin)
Chapter 6. The European Parliaments treatment of religion in times of populism. (Alberta Giorgi), etc.