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Chapter 1. Introduction: The People and the Brussels bubble: Populism, democracy, and the EU institutions. (Paolo Cossarini, Carlo Ruzza, Carlo Berti)
Part 1. The European Union Facing the Populist Wave
Chapter 2. The Populist-Eurosceptic mix: Conceptual distinctions, ideational linkages and internal differentiation. (Emanuele Massetti)
Chapter 3: Populism and European Institutions. A historical perspective. (Roberto Santaniello)
Part 2. The Impact of Populism on the European Institutions
Chapter 4. The discursive construction of issues in the European Parliament: a model of reciprocal influence between populists and non-populists through polarisation and fragmentation. (Carlo Berti)
Chapter 5. The politicisation of the European Union and the role of the European Parliament: opportunities, risks and limitations. (Markus Warasin)
Chapter 6. The European Parliaments treatment of religion in times of populism. (Alberta Giorgi), etc.

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