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Constitutional rights, proportionality, and argumentation / Robert Alexy
From constitutional discretion to the positivist weight formula / David Duarte
Brute balancing, proportionality and meta-weighing of reasons/ Jorge Silva Sampaio
Limited balancing : the principle of human dignity and its inviolability / Carsen Bäcker
To balance or not to balance : the quest for the essence of rights / Jan-R. Sieckmann
Limited review in balancing constitutional rights / Martin Borowski
Positive rights : who decides? : judicial review in balance / Matthias Klatt
Proportionality test and constitutional social rights / Federico De Fazio
An argument for the test of proportionality in concreto : silenced voices from the margins to the center / Laura Clérico and Martín Aldao
'Thou shalt balance' : making sense of the delegation of proportionality testing to the end users of laws / A. Daniel Oliver-Lalana.

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