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Chapter 1: Introduction, by Lori Beaman and Timothy Stacey
Chapter 2: Theoretical and methodological background to understandings of (non)religion, by Peter Beyer
Chapter 3: How New is the Study of Nonreligion? Theological Contributions to the Emergent Reflection on Nonreligion in Social Sciences, by Solange Lefebvre
Chapter 4: Going, Going, Gone? Canadian Churches and the Rise of Non-Religion, by Brian Clarke
Chapter 5: The mobilization of religious and nonreligious imaginaries in Argentine sexual politics, by Hugo H. Rabbia and Juan Marco Vaggione
Chapter 6: Cultural Creatives: Embodiment of A Trans-Modern Vision, by Julia Itel
Chapter 7: Reweaving spheres: towards an ultimate meaning of practice, by Timothy Stacey
Chapter 8: Not radical, not preaching, but reaching out to others: Nonreligious expressions of identity and relationality through food, by Anna Sofia Salonen
Chapter 9: World-repairing and non-religious in law: antithetical notions or new mindsets?, by Dia Dabby
Chapter 10: Collaboration Across Difference: New Diversities and the Challenges of our Times, by Lori Beaman
Chapter 11: Afterword: Towards an Understanding of Being Human, by Douglas Ezzy.

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