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Knowledge Management with Optimization and Security(KMOS)
An Adversarial Training Method for Improving Model Robustness in Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
Context-Aware Anomaly Detection in Attributed Networks
An Efficient Hybrid Approach to Detecting and Correcting Auxiliary Word Errors in Chinese Text
Traffic Accident Prediction Methods Based on Multi-factor Models
Combining BERT and Multiple Embedding Methods with the Deep
Neural Network for Humor Detection
An Efficient Link Prediction Model in Dynamic Heterogeneous
Information Networks Based on Multiple Self-attention
A Clustering-prediction Pipeline for Customer Churn Analysis
Fine-grained Unbalanced Interaction Network for Visual Question Answering
Swarm Intelligence-Based Feature Selection: An Improved Binary Grey Wolf Optimization Method
Integrating Real-time Entity Resolution with Top-N Join Query Processing
Incorporating Question Information to Enhance the Performance of Automatic Short Answer Grading
Integrating Task Information into Few-Shot Classifier by Channel Attention
Rumor Verification on Social Media with Stance-Aware Recursive Tree
Aspect and Opinion Terms Co-Extraction using Position-Aware Attention and Auxiliary Labels
Beyond Laplacian Smoothing for Semi-Supervised Community Detection
Landscape-Enhanced Graph Attention Network for Rumor Detection
An Overview of Methods for Acquiring and Generating Decision Models
Fine-Grained Image Classification Based on Target Acquisition and Feature Fusion
LogAttn: Unsupervised Log Anomaly Detection with an AutoEncoder based Attention Mechanism
DNEA: Dynamic Network Embedding Method for Anomaly Detection
Adversarial Constraint Evaluation on Biomedical Text Mining
Enhanced Self-node Weights Based Graph Convolutional Networks for Passenger Flow Prediction
Interpretation of Learning-based Automatic Source Code Vulnerability Detection Model Using LIME
Efficient Depth Completion Network based on Dynamic Gated Fusion
A Blockchain Based Framework for Smart Greenhouse Data Management
Medication Combination Prediction via Attention Neural Networks with Prior Medical Knowledge
CelebHair: A New Large-Scale Dataset for Hairstyle Recommendation based on CelebA
Image super-resolution based on residual block dense connection
EGIM: Evolution Graph based Interest Modeling for Click-Through Rate Prediction
Visualizing the Finer Cluster Structure of Large-Scale and High-Dimensional Data
Learning Resource Recommendation in E-learning Systems based on Online Learning Style
Alignment-Based Graph Network for Judicial Examination Task
Embedding-based Network Alignment Using Neural Tensor Networks
Detecting Parkinson's Disease according to Gender Using Speech Signals
Theoretical Study of Exponential Best-Fit: Modeling hCG for Gestational Trophoblastic Disease
Lane Keeping Algorithm for Autonomous Driving via Safe Reinforcement Learning
BS-KGS: Blockchain Sharding Empowered Knowledge Graph Storage
Faster Nonlocal UNet for Cell Segmentation in Microscopy Images
An Improved YOLO Algorithm for Object Detection in All Day Scenarios
EMRM: Enhanced Multi-source Review-based Model for Rating Prediction
Blockchain-as-a-Service Powered Knowledge Graph Construction
Finetuned YOLOv3 For Getting Four Times The Detection Speed
A Systematic Approach for maintainable business Process Models
Improved Evolution Algorithm that Guides the Direction of Individual Mutation for Influence Maximization in Social Networks
Incorporating Common Knowledge and Specific Entity Linking Knowledge for Machine Reading Comprehension
Readmission Prediction with Knowledge Graph Attention and RNN-based Ordinary Differential Equations
Detecting SDCs in GPGPUs through an Efficient Instruction Duplication Mechanism
GAN-enabled Code Embedding for Reentrant Vulnerabilities Detections
Attention Based Short-Term Metro Passenger Flow Prediction
Thematic Analysis of Twitter as a Platform for Knowledge Management
Cross-chain-based Decentralized Identity for Mortgage Loans
Blockchain-based Privacy-preserving Medical Data Sharing Scheme Using Federated Learning
An Edge Trajectory Protection Approach Using Blockchain
Approach Based on Ontology and Machine Learning for Identifying Causes Affecting Personality Disorder Disease on Twitter
QBT: Efficient and Flexible Resource Allocation Method for Data Center of State Grid Scenario.

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