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1 Conserving and Restoring Water-Related Ecosystems World-Widely: Have We Met the 2020s the Benchmarks of the Sustainable Development Goal Six?
1 Introduction
2 Water Abundance, Distribution and Water Circulations
3 The Health of and Threats to Water Ecosystems
4 Water Ecosystems Across the Continents: Current Status
5 Conserving Water Ecosystems
6 Restoring Injured Water Ecosystems
7 Sustainability of Good Water Quality Across the Globe

2 The Contribution of Geographical Information Systems-GIS in Water and Sewage Companies for Water Sustainability
1 Introduction
2 Methodology
3 Results
3.1 Mapping for Diagnoses and Land Use Policies, for Locational Alternatives, and Protection of Water Springs
3.2 Geospatial Models for Water and Energy Use Efficiency for Pumping and Supplying
3.3 Water and Sanitation in Informal Settlements
3.4 Partnerships for Geospatial Information Sharing
4 Final Considerations

3 Towards Adaptive Water Governance in South America: Lessons from Water Crises in Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay
1 Introduction
2 Water Governance in Latin America
3 Lessons from Water Crises in Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay
3.1 Chubut River (Argentina)
3.2 Piracicaba-Capivari-Jundiaí Rivers (Brazil)
3.3 Laguna del Sauce Lake (Uruguay)
4 Challenges Under Uncertainty
5 Conclusions
4 Polycentric Water Governance in the Urban Global South
1 Introduction
2 Theoretical Concept of Polycentric Governance: Potentialities and Limits

3 São Paulo Macrometropolis Water Governance in the Context of Climate Change and Water Crisis
4 The Challenge of Water Governance in the SPMM-Between Crisis Management, Integrated Long-Term Planning, and Democratic Deliberation
5 Conclusions
5 Land Use Change in Tropical Watersheds: Will It Support Natural Resources Sustainability?
1 Introduction
2 Land-Use Change and Natural Resource Degradation
3 Land-Use Change and Watershed Hydrology
4 Land Use Change and Water Quality
5 The Dynamics of the Nutrient and Carbon Cycle in a Watershed

6 Integrated Watershed Management for Natural Resource Sustainability
7 Conclusion
6 Soil and Water Conservation Planning Toward Sustainable Management of Upstream Watershed in Indonesia
1 Introduction
2 Problem Facing Upper Watershed Area in Indonesia
3 Soil and Water Conservation to Combat Soil Degradation
4 Development Micro Watershed Model
5 Participatory Planning of Upper Watershed Management
6 Collaborative Management to Guarantee Sustainability
7 Conclusions

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