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Verification of Co-Simulation Algorithms Subject to Algebraic Loops and Adaptive Steps
Automated Verification of Temporal Properties of Ladder Programs
Spatial Model Checking for Smart Stations: Research Challenges
Program Safety and Education
Parametric Faults in Safety Critical Programs
Modular Transformation of Java Exceptions Modulo Errors
On education and training in formal methods for industrial critical systems
(Event- )B Modeling and Validation
Improving SMT Solver Integrations for the Validation of B and Event-B Models
Standard Conformance-by-Construction with Event-B
Formal Analysis
Randomized Reachability Analysis in Uppaal: Fast Error Detection in Timed Systems
Verifying the Mathematical Library of an UAV Autopilot with Frama-C
Formal Analysis of the UNISIG Safety Application Intermediate Sub-Layer
ProB2-UI: A Java-based User Interface for ProB
Intrepid: a Scriptable and Cloud-ready SMT-based Model Checker
Merit and Blame Assignment with Kind 2
Test Generation and Probabilistic Verification
PSY-TaLiRo: A Python Toolbox for Search-Based Test Generation for Cyber-Physical Systems
Probabilistic Verification for Reliability of a Two-by-Two Network-on-Chip System.

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