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1. Introduction: Kants Acts of the Mind and Wittgensteins Projection Method
Part I Kant and the "I Think" as the Facticity of Thought
2. A Connection Between Thought and Thing A Priori
3. Judging as Connecting Thought and Thing
4. Synthesis and Bringing the Manifold of Intuition into an Image
Part II Wittgensteins Picture Theory as a Method of Projection
5. The Form of the Proposition
6. Projection Method
7. Logic Degree Zero
Part III Kants Schematizing and Wittgensteins Picturing or Projecting as Performativity
8. Kant, Synthesis, and Schema
9. Wittgenstein, Meaning, and Use
10. Performativity and the Act of Thinking
11. Conclusion.

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