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1. Contextualizing automation in crime and security domains
Part I. Automating Policing
2. Predictive policing as "social sorting on steroids?" Data (in)justice in practices of forecasting crime
3. Platform policing
4. Information in formation: algorithmic law enforcement and the life of data
5. Information systems in the area of freedom, security and justice: is EU movig toward indiscriminate mass surveillance of foreign nationals?- Part II. Automating Criminal Courts
6. Presumption of guilt and responsibility for the acts of others: postulates of criminal law in the age of automated justice?
7. Deciding on detention by using a computer program: Prior v1.0 as a tool for more fair judicial decisions?
Part III. Automating Surveillance
8. Diffuse-disciplining: the pervasive nature of autonomous policing systems and their consequences
9. Automating spatial injustice: the case of Iran's surveillance of physical and virtual spaces
Part IV. Automating Intelligence and military Operations
10. Project Maven, big data analytics and ubiquitous knowledge: the impossible promises and hidden politics of algorithmic vision
11. Humans, (semi)autonomous weapons systems and the assault on key principles of international humanitarian law.

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