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Table of Contents
1: Introduction and Rethinking Contract Farming
2: Punjab: An Interesting place to study Agrarian Change
3: Understanding the Social Relations of Contract Farming
4: Stating the (not so) obvious: The Interventionist Neoliberal State in India
5: Understanding CF: CF as a strategy to enable dispossession-free accumulation strategy
6:Implications of CF 01: Technology Rhetoric in Contract Farming
7: Implications 02: Social Effects of Contract Farming
8: Conclusion: Are the Global Agri-Corporates saving the Third World Peasantry?
2: Punjab: An Interesting place to study Agrarian Change
3: Understanding the Social Relations of Contract Farming
4: Stating the (not so) obvious: The Interventionist Neoliberal State in India
5: Understanding CF: CF as a strategy to enable dispossession-free accumulation strategy
6:Implications of CF 01: Technology Rhetoric in Contract Farming
7: Implications 02: Social Effects of Contract Farming
8: Conclusion: Are the Global Agri-Corporates saving the Third World Peasantry?