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Size of local finite field Kakeya sets
Coloring of Graphs Avoiding Bicolored Paths of a Fixed Length
Nested cycles with no geometric crossings
Cut vertices in random planar graphs
Extremal density for sparse minors and subdivisions
Enumerating descents on quasi-Stirling permutations and plane trees
Hamiltonicity of randomly perturbed graphs
The largest hole in sparse random graphs
On 13-Crossing-Critical Graphs with Arbitrarily Large Degrees
Local convergence of random planar graphs
Some results on the Laplacian spectra of token graphs
On the Number of Compositions of Two Polycubes
Halin's end degree conjecture
Coloring Circle Arrangements: New 4-Chromatic Planar Graphs
A Short Proof of Euler's Poincaré Formula
Approximate MDS Property of Linear Codes
A SAT attack on higher dimensional Erd\H{o}s
Szekeres numbers
Improved bounds on the cop number of a graph drawn on a surface
Stability of Berge-hypergraphs]{Stability of extremal connected hypergraphs avoiding Berge-paths, (extended abstract)
On tangencies among planar curves]{On tangencies among planar curves with an application to coloring L-shapes
Semi-random process without replacement
The intersection spectrum of 3-chromatic intersecting hypergraphs
On ordered Ramsey numbers of tripartite 3-uniform hypergraphs
Hypergraphs with minimum positive uniform Turan density
Rainbow cliques in randomly perturbed dense graphs
Universal singular exponents in catalytic variable equations
The expected number of perfect matchings in cubic planar graphs
Gallai-Ramsey number for complete graphs
On the dichromatic number of surfaces
Supersaturation, counting, and randomness inforbidden subposet problems
Path decompositions of tournaments
Sorting by shuffling methods and a queue
Circular coloring of signed bipartite planar graphs
Results on the Graceful Game and Range-Relaxed Graceful Game
New bounds on the modularity of Johnson graphs and random subgraphs of Johnson graphs
On Bipartite Sum Basic Equilibria
Characterization and enumeration of preimages under the Queuesort algorithm
On off-diagonal ordered Ramsey numbers of nested matchings
Bounds on half graph orders in powers of sparse graphs
The homotopy type of the independence complex of graphs with no induced cycles of length divisible by $3$
The Maximum Number of Paths of Length Three in a Planar Graph
Strongly Pfaffian Graphs
Strong modeling limits of graphs with bounded tree-width
Loose cores and cycles in random hypergraphs (extended abstract)
Building a larger class of graphs for efficient reconfiguration of vertex colouring
A refinement of Cauchy-Schwarz complexity, with applications (extended abstract)
The Ising antiferromagnet in the replica symmetric phase
A simple (2+\epsilon)-approximation algorithm for Split Vertex Deletion
On graphs without an induced path on 5 vertices and without an induced dart or kite
Constant congestion brambles in directed graphs
Component behaviour of random bipartite graphs
Maximising line subgraphs of diameter at most $t$
Unavoidable hypergraphs
$2$-distance $(\Delta+1)$-coloring of sparse graphs using the potential method
Graphs where Search Methods are Indistinguishable
Discrete Helly-type theorems for pseudohalfplanes
Cycles of Many Lengths in Hamiltonian Graphs
Maximal $k$-wise $\ell$-divisible set families are atomic
A Trivariate Dichromate Polynomial for Digraphs
Schur's Theorem for randomly perturbed sets
Unit Disk Visibility Graphs
Waiter-Client Games on Randomly Perturbed Graphs
Vector Choosability in Bipartite Graphs
Tight bounds on the expected number of holes in random point sets
The game of Toucher and Isolator
Hermitian rank-metric codes
The Flat Wall Theorem for Bipartite Graphs with Perfect Matchings
Big Ramsey degrees and forbidden cycles
The Ramsey number for 4-uniform tight cycles
Chip-firing on the complete split graph: Motzkin words and tiered parking functions
Long shortest cycle covers in cubic graphs
Powers of Hamilton cycles of high discrepancy are unavoidable
Low Diameter Algebraic Graphs
The fractional chromatic number of double cones over graphs
Complexity of $3+1/m$-coloring $P_t$-free graphs
Shattering Threshold for the Coloring Problem of a Random Hypergraph
Integer covering problems and max-norm Ramsey theorems
Unit disks hypergraphs are three-colorable
Characterization of FS-double Squares Ending with Two Distinct Squares
On asymmetric hypergraphs
On Multicolour Ramsey Numbers and Subset-Colouring of Hypergraphs
Max Cuts in Triangle-free Graphs
On the cycle rank conjecture about metric dimension and zero forcing number in graphs
Tight bounds for powers of Hamilton cycles in tournaments
On sufficient conditions for Hamiltonicity in dense graphs
On the maximum number of weakly-rainbow-free edge-colorings
Degree conditions for tight Hamilton cycles
An Approximate Structure Theorem for Small Sumsets
Classification of Local Problems on Paths from the Perspective of Descriptive Combinatorics
On the enumeration of plane bipolar posets and transversal structures
The characterization of graphs whose sandpile group has fixed number of generators
Kissing number in non-Euclidean spaces of constant sectional curvature
Decomposing cubic graphs with cyclic connectivity 5
Dirac-type conditions for spanning bounded-degree hypertrees
Outer 1-string graphs of girth at least five are 3-colorable
The rainbow Turan number of even cycles
Trees with few leaves in tournaments
Uncommon systems of equations
Exchange properties of finite set-systems
On a question of Vera T. Sós about size forcing of graphons (extended abstract)
On Deeply Critical Oriented Cliques
Big Ramsey degrees of the generic partial order
The square of a Hamilton cycle in randomly perturbed graphs
On extremal problems concerning the traces of sets
The chromatic number of signed graphs with bounded maximum average degree
Breaker games with constraints
Parallelisms of PG(3,5) with an automorphism group of order 25
On Alternation, VC-dimension and k-fold Union of Sets
Weak components of the directed conguration model
Decomposing and Colouring Locally Out-Transitive Oriented Graphs
Ramsey expansions of 3-hypertournaments
Path decompositions of random directed graphs
Large multipartite subgraphs in H-free graphs
Kempe changes in bounded treewidth graphs
No Selection Lemma for Empty Triangles
The mod $k$ chromatic index of random graphs
Constructions of betweenness-uniform graphs from trees
On the homomorphism order of oriented paths and trees
On chromatic number of (n, m)-graphs
On a problem of Füredi and Griggs
Gallai's path decomposition for planar graphs
Tuza's Conjecture for threshold graphs
Covering three-tori with cubes
New bounds on $k$-geodetic digraphs and mixed graphs
Counting $C_k$-free orientations of $G(n,p)$
Counting Circuit Double Covers
Oriented graphs with lower orientation Ramsey thresholds
Random 2-cell embeddings of multistars
Cycle saturation in random graphs
On the maximum cut in sparse random hypergraphs
Asymptotics for connected graphs and irreducible tournament
Interval representation of balanced separators in graphs avoiding a minor
Lines in the Manhattan plane
A rainbow connectivity threshold for random graph families
Robust Connectivity of Graphs on Surfaces.

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