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Abstracts of Keynotes
Software Architecture for a Digital Age
Enterprise Architecture in an Agile World
Architectures for Reconfigurable and Self-Adaptive Systems
Dynamic Updates of Virtual PLCs Deployed as Kubernetes Microservices
1 Introduction
2 Background
3 Related Work
4 State-Transfer Approach
4.1 Example
4.2 Static View
4.3 Dynamic View
4.4 Decision Points
5 Prototypical Implementation
6 Experimental Evaluation
6.1 Test Application Sizing
6.2 Jitter Characterization

6.3 State Transfer Time
7 Assumptions and Limitations
8 Conclusions
A Runtime Safety Enforcement Approach by Monitoring and Adaptation
1 Introduction
2 Related Work
3 Running Example: The MRM System
4 Safety Enforcement by Monitoring and Adaptation
4.1 Abstract State Machines for Specifying Enforcement Models
4.2 ASMs Operating as Enforcement Models
5 Safety Enforcement Framework
6 Runtime Safety Enforcement at Work
6.1 Instantiation of the Enforcement Framework
6.2 Validation of Enforcement Strategies
7 Conclusion and Future Work

2 Motivating Scenario: Tele-Assistance System (TAS)
3 Approach
3.1 Preliminaries
3.2 Configuration Data Extraction
3.3 Data Aggregation and Normalization
3.4 Principal Component Analysis
4 Evaluation
4.1 Experimental Setup
4.2 Scenario: Network Architecture
4.3 Discussion
5 Related Work
6 Conclusions and Future Work
A Machine Learning Approach to Service Discovery for Microservice Architectures
1 Introduction
2 Related Work
3 System Model
4 ML Based Service Discovery
4.1 Data Extraction
4.2 Feature Extraction
4.3 Training

4.4 Prediction
4.5 Selection
5 Evaluation
5.1 Proof-of-Concept: The Coin Collection Application
5.2 Controlled Experiments
5.3 Approach Effectiveness
5.4 Approach Efficiency
5.5 Threats to Validity
6 Conclusion
FLRA: A Reference Architecture for Federated Learning Systems
1 Introduction
2 Methodology
2.1 Generation of Theory
2.2 Confirmation of Theory
3 FLRA Reference Architecture
3.1 Job Creation
3.2 Data Collection and Preprocessing
3.3 Model Training
3.4 Model Deployment
3.5 Model Monitoring
4 Related Work
5 Discussion and Conclusion.

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