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Chapter 1: The Tragedy of US-China Relations: Conflict of Necessity or Conflict of Choice?
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Destined for Conflict?
1.3 Anti-China Sentiment and Discourse in the United States
1.4 The Domestic Origins of China's Increasing Assertiveness
1.5 Actions of China on the International Economic Front
1.6 Decoupling
1.7 Conclusion

Chapter 2: US Bilateralism Under Trump, Power Shift in East Asia, and Implications for Regional Security and Prosperity: A Theoretical Analysis of Japan's Strategic Adjustment
2.1 Introduction
2.2 "America First": Bilateralism Versus multilateralism
2.3 Japan's Response to the Trump Administration's Trade Policy Offensive
2.4 Japan's Response to US Demand for Closer Defense Cooperation
2.5 Managing Trump
2.6 North Korea and Japan's Concerns
2.7 Japan's Relations with South Korea
2.8 Countering Growing Chinese Presence and Influence in the Indo-Pacific

2.8.1 Japan and US Allies and Partners
2.8.2 Japan and Russia
2.9 Preserving the Free and Open Indo-Pacific Ocean
2.10 Theoretical Perspectives
2.11 Conclusion and Future Prospects
Chapter 3: Changing Power Dynamics in Asia: Implications for the US-ROK Alliance
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Organizing Ideas
3.3 Value of the US-South Korea Alliance
3.4 Issues of US-South Korea Conflict
3.5 Reform Within the Existing Structure
3.6 Creation of a New Security Organization
3.7 Counterarguments
3.8 Conclusion

Chapter 4: Australia-US Alliance Since the Pivot: Consolidation and Hedging in Response to China's Rise
4.1 Introduction
4.2 The Australia-US Alliance in Perspective
4.3 Alliance in the Era of US-China Strategic Rivalry
4.4 Whither the Alliance? Past Lessons and Future Prospects
4.5 Conclusion
Chapter 5: The Russia-US-China Strategic Triangle in the Asia-Pacific
5.1 Introduction
5.2 The Metamorphoses of the Moscow-Washington-Beijing Triangle: From Brezhnev, Mao, and Nixon to Putin, Xi, and Trump

5.3 The Russia-China Side of the Triangle: The Geoeconomic Dimension
5.4 The Russia-China Military Axis: Sending a Message to the United States
5.5 The Security Trilemma of Strategic Arms Control
5.6 The Russia-China Emerging Collaboration in East Asia: Pushing the United States Out
5.7 From a Sino-Russian Entente to a Sino-Russian Alliance?
5.8 The United States: Searching for a Response to a Russia-China Axis
5.9 Conclusion
Chapter 6: US-India Ties During the Trump Years and Beyond: Continuity and Convergences
6.1 Introduction

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