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Chapter 1. A Critical Approach to the Social Acceptance of Renewable Energy Infrastructures
Chapter 2. Strategies for Integrating Quantitative Methods into Critical Social Acceptance Research
Chapter 3. Using a Critical Approach to Unpack the Visual-Spatial Impacts of Energy Infrastructures
Chapter 4. Getting Used to It, But ...? Rethinking the Elusive U-Curve of Acceptance and Post-Construction Assumptions
Chapter 5. Does Renewable Energy Exist? Fossil Fuel+ Technologies and the Search for Renewable Energy
Chapter 6. ANT Perspective on Wind Power Planning and Social Acceptance-A Call for Interdisciplinarity
Chapter 7. Social Acceptance and Interdisciplinarity: Understanding the Constructive Power of Terminology
Chapter 8. Social Acceptance: Beyond Criticism and Critical, a Call for Experimental Ontology
Chapter 9. How to Assess What Society Wants? The Need for a Renewed Social Conflict Research Agenda
Chapter 10. Provincial Polyphasia: Community Energy Generation and the Politics of Sustainability Transition in Alberta, Canada
Chapter 11. People-Place Bonds, Rhetorical Meaning-Making and "Doing Acceptance" to a Renewable Energy Infrastructure: Postcolonial Insights from the Global South
Chapter 12. Energy Justice and Social Acceptance of Renewable Energy Projects in the Global South
Chapter 13. Contributions, Tensions and Future Avenues: A Discussion./.

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