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1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Aims of the Book
1.3 Questions Addressed
1.4 Research Methods Employed
1.5 Outline of the Book
2 The Nature of Reading in a Second Language
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Research on Reading
2.2.1 A Brief History of Research on Reading
2.2.2 Is There a Separate Reading Ability?
2.2.3 Reading Ability: Divisible or Unitary?
2.2.4 Theories of Reading
2.3 What is Reading Comprehension?
2.3.1 Definition of Reading Comprehension
2.3.2 The Nature of Reading Comprehension

2.4 The Process of Reading Comprehension
2.4.1 Bottom-Up Models
2.4.2 Top-Down Models
2.4.3 Interactive Models
2.4.4 Reading: Decoding or Prediction?
2.5 Factors Affecting Reading Comprehension
2.5.1 Reader Variable
2.5.2 Text Variable
2.5.3 Context Variable
2.5.4 Writer Variable
2.5.5 L1-L2 Relationship
2.6 Issues in Assessing Reading
2.7 Conclusion
3 Language, Context, and Comprehension
3.1 Language
3.2 Context
3.2.1 Definition of Context
3.2.2 Components of Context
3.2.3 Relationship Between Language/text and Context

3.2.4 Context and Comprehension
3.3 Comprehension
3.3.1 Comprehension in Spoken Language
3.3.2 Comprehension in Written Language
3.4 Conclusion
4 The Cloze Procedure
4.1 Origin of the Cloze Procedure
4.1.1 Definition of the Cloze Procedure
4.1.2 Theoretical Assumptions Underlying the Cloze Procedure
4.2 Construction of Cloze Tests
4.2.1 Text-Type Used In Constructing Cloze Tests
4.2.2 Deletion Rate In Cloze Tests
4.2.3 Scoring Cloze Tests
4.2.4 Timing of Cloze Tests
4.3 Varieties of the Cloze Procedure
4.4 Uses of Cloze Tests

4.4.1 Cloze as a Measure of Readability
4.4.2 Cloze as a Measure of General Language Proficiency
4.4.3 Cloze as a Measure of Reading Comprehension
4.4.4 Cloze and Low/High Level Abilities
4.4.5 Cloze as a Measure of Other Abilities
4.4.6 Cloze as a Teaching Device
4.5 Validity and Reliability of the Cloze Procedure
4.5.1 Validity of Cloze Tests
4.5.2 Reliability of Cloze Tests
4.6 Factors Affecting Performance on Cloze Tests
4.7 Text-Processing In Cloze Tests
4.8 Problems with the Cloze Procedure
4.8.1 The Implausibility of the Cloze Procedure
4.9 Conclusion

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