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Chapter 1. Remixing Influencers: Academics reading and writing about philosophy and pop culture
Chapter 2. When Violent Delights Meet Revolutionary Ends: Westworld and Marxism
Chapter 3. The Circle of Hegemony
Chapter 4. Where the Truth Lies: Peirce Through the Lens of The Third Man
Chapter 5. Playing Language Games with BB8
Chapter 6. The Years and Years of Late Modernity: Ulrich Beck and Risk Society
Chapter 7. Orange is the New Other
Chapter 8. "Down here, it's our time": Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems and The Goonies
Chapter 9. Choose Your Driver: How Super Mario Kart helps explain Bourdieusian sociology
Chapter 10. 5 Ways Hogwarts Helps Us Understand Foucault's 'Docile Bodies'
Chapter 11. Power, Knowledge and Palpatine
Chapter 12. A Thousand Gateaux: Rethinking Deleuze and Guttari through The Great British Bakeoff
Chapter 13. "You pass the butter": The Messages of Media and Technology in Rick and Morty
Chapter 14. Ordinary Care in Extraordinary Worlds: Murakami and decentered care in The windup bird chronicle
Chapter 15. Distribution of the Sensible in Besźel and Ul Qoma: Reading Rancière alongside Miéville's The City & the City
Chapter 16. Coming of Age: Towards a Theory of Critical Editorship.

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