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Introduction (Matthew McManus)
Part 1: Law and Rights in Contemporary Liberalism and Socialism
Chapter 2. What Does It Mean To Say All Are Created Equal?: Liberalism And Socialism On Basic Rights (Matthew McManus)
Chapter 3. The Identity Thesis, Basic Structure, and Constitutional Statecraft in Malaysian Courts (Ratna Rueban Balasubramaniam)
Chapter 4. Apostle of Progress, Harbinger of Hope: John Stuart Mill and the British Political Tradition (Richard Mullender)
Part 2: The Political Theory of Liberalism and Socialism in the 21st Century
Chapter 5. Can Socialism Allow Open Borders? (Jason Brennan and Chris Freiman)
Chapter 6. Marx was a (Philosophical) Liberal and You Should be Too (Ben Burgis)
Chapter 7. The Social Empowerment of Equal Chances: Sortition as a Democratic Bridge Between Liberalism and Socialism (Victor Bruzzone)
Part 3: Liberalism, Socialism, and Culture
Chapter 8. Disambiguating Critical Theory(Aaron Hanlon)
Chapter 9. From Liberal to Leftist Ecopolitics: Searching for Common Ground between Capitalism and Climate (Erik Tate)
Chapter 10. Woke Capital: The Stifling of Creativity and Innovation Under Liberalism (Shalon van Tine)
Chapter 11. The Liberal Media Would Rather Support a Populist Than a Socialist (Peter Milonas).

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