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Chapter 1: Introduction to "Life Cycle Inventory Analysis"
1 A Brief History of Life Cycle Inventory Analysis
2 LCI Analysis in a Nutshell
2.1 Constructing a Flow Chart
2.2 Gathering Data
2.3 Conducting LCI Calculations
2.4 Interpreting Results and Drawing Conclusions
3 Environmentally-Extended Input-Output Analysis
4 Overview of this Volume
Chapter 2: Principles of Life Cycle Inventory Modeling: The Basic Model, Extensions, and Conventions
1 The Basic Life Cycle Inventory Model

2 Some Fundamental Modeling Topics in the Basic LCI Model
2.1 Modeling Benefits and Impacts: The Functional Unit
2.2 Modeling Causality: Attributional Versus Consequential Perspectives
2.3 Setting Boundaries in an Infinite Inventory Model
2.4 Modeling Locations
2.5 When Can a Process Dataset be Considered Complete?
3 Extensions of the Basic LCI Model
3.1 Modeling Multifunctionality
3.2 Modeling Time
3.3 Low Probability Flows of High Impact, Unknown Mechanisms
4 Life Cycle Modeling Conventions
4.1 Modeling Transport Services
4.2 Modeling the Use Phase

4.3 Modeling End of Life
5 Conclusion
Chapter 3: Development of Unit Process Datasets
1 Introduction
2 General Procedures of Developing Unit Processes
2.1 Goal and Scope Definition of Unit Processes
2.2 Data Collection and Accounting of Flows
2.2.1 Data Sources and Selection
2.2.2 Accounting Flows from Raw Data
Mathematical Relations
Special Flows
2.2.3 Flows with Missing Data
2.3 Matching Flows with Background Datasets (Optional)
2.4 Internal Check
2.5 Sensitivity Analysis (Optional)
2.6 Data Quality Evaluation
2.7 Documentation

2.8 Critical Review
3 Tools
4 Conclusions and Outlook
Chapter 4: Multifunctionality in Life Cycle Inventory Analysis: Approaches and Solutions
1 Introduction
2 The History of Dealing with Multifunctionality
3 Definitions and Typologies
4 Solutions to the Multifunctionality Problem
4.1 System Expansion and Substitution
4.2 Partitioning
5 Other Approaches than System Expansion/Substitution and Partitioning
6 Discussion
7 Conclusions and Recommendations
Appendix: The Special Case of Closed-Loop Recycling

Chapter 5: Data Quality in Life Cycle Inventories
1 Data Quality: An Issue in Life Cycle Inventories
2 Definition of Data Quality and Fitness for Purpose
3 Addressing Data Quality in Life Cycle Assessment
3.1 Relevance of Data Quality in LCA
3.2 The Janus Property of Data Quality
3.3 Components of Data Quality Descriptors
3.4 Data Quality Topics in LCI and Generic Indicators
3.5 Data Quality Use Cases
3.5.1 Data Quality in the Environmental Footprint
The Category Rules
The Data Quality Assessment Formula
Review in the Environmental Footprint

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